Angel Fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2010
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Ok, i have 2 angel fish. One black the other silver. Problem, the black has always had a one of his spikes on his tail missing.
Angel Fish.jpg
As you see the yellow line which is pointing to nothing weather as the black line points to his they fine and looks like a smudge spike. Well his tail now looks like this

The angel fish have been going for the tails quite alot as of mating but havent laid any eggs for 3 months now. i have also seen my Petricola Synodontis (two of them) picking on my black one as well as my silver but seen no damage done. One last thing is that the black one has huge white spots, like scares on him, dont know what from.

Any idea on what this could be either the angel or the Petricola Synodontis. Last thing is, will his tail regrow.

Thanks In Advance
I don't see why it wouldn't grow back. When my swordtail had his sword nipped off by my crayfish one day I waited a couple weeks and it is coming back...just slowly. One of my angels was getting picked on by my corys for a couple days and then it stopped. The angel's top fin was nipped down to the point the tip actually turned black. A few weeks later it has regrown and everything looks and is back to normal.

Since fins are essential to swimming, I have learned in my few experiences so far that they do in fact grown back.
I don't see why it wouldn't grow back. When my swordtail had his sword nipped off by my crayfish one day I waited a couple weeks and it is coming back...just slowly. One of my angels was getting picked on by my corys for a couple days and then it stopped. The angel's top fin was nipped down to the point the tip actually turned black. A few weeks later it has regrown and everything looks and is back to normal.

Since fins are essential to swimming, I have learned in my few experiences so far that they do in fact grown back.

Thanks great to know that his tail will grow. Next year he will be moving in to a 180 litter tank from the 75 where he is fully grown as you see. he will be put with all my fish from 2 seprate tanks.

Thanks Alot

Yeh it should grow back,when we had two angels they used to nip each other ocasionally, missing bits of tail, split fins etc but then after a few week of them being peacful they would heal and grow back untill their next domestic
Yea had alot of playful ness out of them latly. mating dance like mad

Thanks for the replies


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