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  1. FWFishLover

    Feeding In General

    i'd probably continue my normal feeding and if they act as if they need more or less then, listen to them :good:
  2. FWFishLover

    Over-Sized Tank Filter?

    i dont mean that an external will bother them, i mean that there wouldnt be much of a need to chose external over internal since space isnt a big factor for me. but with more swimmers it may become a factor so i will definitely get my stock situation decided before filter shopping :) and thank...
  3. FWFishLover

    Over-Sized Tank Filter?

    Ok Thank You, I've Been Looking At Filters Online And I'm Probably Just Going To Get Internal Because 8 Of My 9 Fish Are Cories. I'll Probably Get 2 More Mid-Level Swimmers Though So I Will Definitely Consider! :D
  4. FWFishLover

    Over-Sized Tank Filter?

    Mind My Ignorance Please, Haha What Are The Differences Of An External And Internal Filter? I'm Getting A Newer One Because Mine Is Starting To Break Down
  5. FWFishLover

    Over-Sized Tank Filter?

    Basically Where I'm Going With This Is.. For my birthday i will be getting some fish supplies for my 20 gallon tank i was wondering whether or not its a good idea to go for a bigger tank size filter rather than a 20g i was thinking somewhere from 40g-50g filter..? would that improve my tanks...
  6. FWFishLover

    Help Please

  7. FWFishLover

    Help Please

    Ok, So Lately My Tank Has Gotten Really Dirty And I've Been Trying To Explain To My Dad That Its Partly My Filter (Its Starting To Break Down And Is At Its Final Stages) But My Dad Refuses To Listen. He Says He Talked To A Co-Worker Of His (Who Breeds Cichlids) About How To Solve This And The...
  8. FWFishLover

    Guppy Randomly About To Die!?

    my stats are fine. but he died,, :( i'm not sure if its the same problem he had with the swimming that got him but, he's dead i dont think its a disease as all my other fish are perfectly healthy and it was old age since i've had him for around 6 months and when i bought him he was a juvenile
  9. FWFishLover

    Please Help With My Choices...

    Also, I'd Like To Ask: Did you cycle your tank?? i noticed that you have 90 post so most likely did right? im sorry, i'm more of a livebearers guy so im not familiar with some users here
  10. FWFishLover

    Guppy Randomly About To Die!?

    UPDATE: Ok this is very odd, i noticed in all the food i dropped he had eaten none so i thought "i'll net him up and put food in the net for him to eat" so when i went for him he lifted right off the gravel and swam away from the net totally fine and found a new spot, so i got him anyways and he...
  11. FWFishLover

    Tae Kwon Do

    i just decided not to renew my contract where i do TKD and i can't agree with you more, IMO i think anything like TKD or Karate Etc. Just teaches you "How to kick" and not "How to fight" because i thought about it and if i do ever get in a REAL fight, i would never use TKD on the guy i wanna do...
  12. FWFishLover

    Hey Everyone :) Update

    Thats awesome! (well some of it) hey idk if you'd be able to answer but can you please check out my thread in emergencies?
  13. FWFishLover

    Help Id This Plec

    Yeah i dont think it is either, but dont feel stupid man, those questions are asked constantly
  14. FWFishLover

    Guppy Randomly About To Die!?

    I have no clue as to why, all i know is that when i woke up both of my guppies were really low on the gravel and my first thought was "give them food!" well that worked for one of them but one is literally "on the rocks" now i was trying to brainstorm why this could be but I couldnt see a good...
  15. FWFishLover

    How Big Of A Newbie Were You?

    lol, i feel the same aha
  16. FWFishLover

    How Big Of A Newbie Were You?

    Question Self Explanatory IMO When I Started I Had My Fish Killing Each Other As My Stocking Was A 20g With: Synodontis Euruptus Jewel Cichlid 2 Yellow Lab Cichlid Neon Swordtail Angelfish Black Molly And My Tank Was Uncycled And Stock THE NEXT DAY lol Some of you may remember helping me with...
  17. FWFishLover

    Favourite Films

    some faves are (All US): napoleon dynamite office space city of god (exception as its brazilian) eagle eye (saw it last night it was great) the soloist paranormal activity and many more i cant remember lol
  18. FWFishLover

    Favourite Films

    Has Anyone Seen A Brazilian Movie Called "City of God"? I watched it with subtitles (its brazilian so they speak Portuguese) and it was wonderful!
  19. FWFishLover

    Ninja Warrior

    I Avidly Watch This Show Lol, IMO its the hardest (physical) game show seeing that only like what? 2-3 ppl have won
  20. FWFishLover


    So, three guys die and go to heaven, at the gates an angel tells them that they cant step on the ducks, when they ask why he replies "i dont know, god just love ducks" so they walk in and the ducks are just everywhere, after like 5 minutes one guy accidentally steps on a duck, all of a sudden...
  21. FWFishLover

    Ruin A Wish

    wish granted, he is madly in love with you and when you explain to him that you are not gay he beats the crap out of you (see you DIDNT die) i wish i was italian so i could be a guido :hey:
  22. FWFishLover

    Pet Peeves

    and it should be cover with their elbow not hand, cuz then when they grab things they spread their germs
  23. FWFishLover

    What Ages Are The Good Folk Of Tropical Fish Forum

    Im 13 Justin Timberlake (1981) He's The Only One Worth Put On The Site I Found LOL
  24. FWFishLover

    Ruin A Wish

    wish granted, they end with us in jail i wish i could have anything i wanted at the snap of a finger
  25. FWFishLover

    3 Letter Story

    One day at the zoo peter ate a cake only to find he was allergic to the delicious, combustable filling in his llamas foot which smelt like the world's worst banana car, which he owned and charished with all his large coffee could take but it crashed into pink elephants underwear which like to...
  26. FWFishLover

    Ruin A Wish

    racist but.....wish granted he takes the constant abuse to make food and poisons your food i wish i had a nice grilled hot dog right now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wish granted, you catch an std and die i wish i had a nice grilled hot...
  27. FWFishLover

    3 Letter Story

    One day at the zoo peter ate a cake only to find he was allergic to the delicious, combustable filling in his llamas foot which smelt like the world's worst banana car, which he owned and charished with all
  28. FWFishLover

    You Tube
  29. FWFishLover

    Lol! i absolutely love this video and all of daneboe's videos. hope all you friends of mine from the UK don't find this too American lol
  30. FWFishLover

    Hello - Im New

    what are your homes for these lovely fish?
  31. FWFishLover

    Im Upset

    my dad threatened me with that once and actually netted it out and everything............not a great feeling.
  32. FWFishLover

    What's Your Dream Aquarium?

    lol good luck getting the legal ok's
  33. FWFishLover

    Ruin A Wish

    oops i did my wish on the wrong page lol :blush: wish granted, the world is so peaceful that when aliens attack us we know no defense and are conquered europe on native american style i wish there were no racists
  34. FWFishLover

    3 Letter Story

    One day at the zoo peter ate a cake only to find he was allergic to the delicious, combustable filling in his llamas foot which smelt like the world's worst
  35. FWFishLover

    Im Upset

    Im Also 13, and i just realized not too long ago that i'm not the most miserable kid in the world. in fact probably 70% of kids (definitely NOT including you) have it worse. i think at our age we just take everything way too seriously and don't realize that were just acting like stupid...
  36. FWFishLover

    3 Letter Story

    One day at the zoo peter ate a cake only to find he was allergic to the delicious
  37. FWFishLover

    Today I Wiped Out On My Bike.... It

    OUCH! I Wouldnt even Try That LOL i have a video on my phone of a old friend biking down a hill like you did and he tried to screech his back tire on the brake and his bike flipped out and he landed on his knee haha
  38. FWFishLover

    Worst Hw Assignments Ever

    I Believe This Convo Has Become Too Mature For My Age LOL
  39. FWFishLover

    How Did You Pick Your Name For The Forum?

    Well Mine Is Pretty Straight Forward :P I Love Freshwater Fish Though On Everything Else I Use The Name Metalhead64 As When I Was A Bit Younger I Joined A Gaming Site Called OMGPOP And Used Metalhead64 Since I Was A UTTERLY AND COMPLETE Metalhead And My Fav. Number Is 64 I Still Use That Name...
  40. FWFishLover

    3 Letter Story

    I'll Give It To You One day at the zoo peter ate a cake only to find