Help Please


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
California, U.S.A
Ok, So Lately My Tank Has Gotten Really Dirty And I've Been Trying To Explain To My Dad That Its Partly My Filter (Its Starting To Break Down And Is At Its Final Stages)
But My Dad Refuses To Listen.
He Says He Talked To A Co-Worker Of His (Who Breeds Cichlids) About How To Solve This And The Co-Worker Said To Change The Pad
I've Had The Same Filter The Tank Pack I Got Came With For Almost Exactly A Year Now And Its About Ready For A Change Anyways.
So I'm Trying To Explain To Him That I Should NEVER Change The Pad But Just The Filter But He Refuses To Listen/Buy Me A New Filter
But He Wont Listen And Wants To Get Rid Of My Tank Now :(

So If Im Wrong, (Im Pretty Sure I'm Right) Tell Me Please.

If I'm Right, Please Confirm This So I Can Show My Dad And Help Him Realize Im Right.
And If Possible Post A Picture Of Your Tank To Further Show Him Im Right.
Thanks Guys :D
Dear FWFishLover's dad, please buy a new filter, :D
FWFISHLOVER'S DAD - no way should the pads be changed or all the fish will die. This is because it takes 6-8 weekes for the good bacteria to grow on the pads - they break down all the toxins in the water. If there is no good bacteria then the fish swim around in toxic water and will die. If the filter is not working properly then a new filter is needed, and as soon as possible because your son/daughter is going to have to run it alongisde the old filter for around a month or so, then transfer the old pads from the old filter into the new one before the old filter can be disgarded.

Incidentially you will be needing a liquid water test kit to test the water during this time - something you should aready have if you are a fishkeeper!

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