Over-Sized Tank Filter?


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
California, U.S.A
Basically Where I'm Going With This Is..
For my birthday i will be getting some fish supplies for my 20 gallon tank
i was wondering whether or not its a good idea to go for a bigger tank size filter rather than a 20g
i was thinking somewhere from 40g-50g filter..?
would that improve my tanks filtration or over-filter my tank (im not sure thats possible haha) or would there be no difference?
Good filtration is better,depending what fish you have,if they dont mind the flow,then go bigger :good:

Are you thinking of an external filter?
You can't over-filter a tank... The bigger filters turn over more gallons of water per hour is the difference between a small filter and a big filter. If there are no problems coming from your current filter though, like particles floating around in the water, stagnant areas, ammonia, or something else, it's not really necessary to get a bigger one if the current one is doing just fine. But it wouldn't hurt to get a bigger filter.
Mind My Ignorance Please, Haha

What Are The Differences Of An External And Internal Filter?

You can't over-filter a tank... The bigger filters turn over more gallons of water per hour is the difference between a small filter and a big filter. If there are no problems coming from your current filter though, like particles floating around in the water, stagnant areas, ammonia, or something else, it's not really necessary to get a bigger one if the current one is doing just fine. But it wouldn't hurt to get a bigger filter.

I'm Getting A Newer One Because Mine Is Starting To Break Down
Internal goes inside the tank...


External filter goes outside the tank,with the pipes going in, hence more room for fishes :good:

I find externals a lot easier to maintain than internals :)
Internal goes inside the tank...


External filter goes outside the tank,with the pipes going in, hence more room for fishes :good:
Ok Thank You,
I've Been Looking At Filters Online And I'm Probably Just Going To Get Internal Because 8 Of My 9 Fish Are Cories.
I'll Probably Get 2 More Mid-Level Swimmers Though So I Will Definitely Consider! :D
All my tanks have externals now,and it doesn't bother my corys at all :)

Zooplus has some good deals atm :good:
Ok Thank You,
I've Been Looking At Filters Online And I'm Probably Just Going To Get Internal Because 8 Of My 9 Fish Are Cories.
I'll Probably Get 2 More Mid-Level Swimmers Though So I Will Definitely Consider! :D

My cories don't have any problems with external filters at all. I don't see why they would. "Hang on back" external filters are really easy to take care of, you don't have to pull the whole thing out of the water to clean it. The Hagen Aquaclear is a good hang on filter, maybe look into the 30 gallon sized one.
All my tanks have externals now,and it doesn't bother my corys at all :)

Zooplus has some good deals atm :good:

i dont mean that an external will bother them, i mean that there wouldnt be much of a need to chose external over internal since space isnt a big factor for me.
but with more swimmers it may become a factor so i will definitely get my stock situation decided before filter shopping :)
and thank you for the reference! i will definitely check it out :D

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