Guppy Randomly About To Die!?


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
California, U.S.A
I have no clue as to why,
all i know is that when i woke up both of my guppies were really low on the gravel and my first thought was "give them food!"
well that worked for one of them but one is literally "on the rocks"
now i was trying to brainstorm why this could be but I couldnt see a good reason...
I feed my 8 cories, molly juvenile, and 2 guppies twice daily so i can only see it being from a disease of some sort

the guppy i am speaking of is quite odd
when he swims he uses his body instead of his fins and at first i thought it to be a problem but i noticed this like a couple day after i got him, (i've had him for 6 months now)
also his body is longer than the other guppy (and the body 3rd one i bought the day i got them too :rip:) as well as a lighter blue of a body color...but im sure that is just because he is a different type of fancy gupppy (the lps just had a tank that said "blue fancy guppies" and didnt specify on types)

so please Tff friends help me


Ok so he is still alive and i noticed he trying to inch himself across the gravel (he is unable to swim at the moment)
Ok this is very odd,
i noticed in all the food i dropped he had eaten none so i thought "i'll net him up and put food in the net for him to eat"
so when i went for him he lifted right off the gravel and swam away from the net totally fine and found a new spot,
so i got him anyways and he ignored the food and when i dropped him he swam right back down to the gravel

now, regarding the first update, i never actually saw him move i just went to check on him and he was in a spot by the one he was in originally

also when he is on the gravel his fin are circling.......
what is going on!? is he trying to rest or something!?
Hope some one got a answer for you my friend as i having the same trouble with my molly's and can not find or get a reply to my post. If you do find out though please post on here so i can have a read
Could you post your water stats?
do u leave ur lights on 24/7?? cause if u do maybe it is resting..if not maybe itss just old..if not that then i have no other clue about any diseases..actually my male fancy guppy was doing that the other day to but hes all better now.
my stats are fine.
but he died,, :(

i'm not sure if its the same problem he had with the swimming that got him but, he's dead

i dont think its a disease as all my other fish are perfectly healthy and it was old age since i've had him for around 6 months and when i bought him he was a juvenile
Might of been something wrong with its swim bladder.
R>I>P> little buddy
my stats are fine.
but he died,, :(

i'm not sure if its the same problem he had with the swimming that got him but, he's dead

i dont think its a disease as all my other fish are perfectly healthy and it was old age since i've had him for around 6 months and when i bought him he was a juvenile

6 months is not old for a guppie. They can live for an average of 4 years. If it was 5 years old and then died then it would have probably died of old age.

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