What's Your Dream Aquarium?


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
California, U.S.A
You Write It Like This:

Maintenance Not Included
7 Fire And Ice Channa
Sand Bottom, Artificial Reef
My entire wall in a reef setup. 7'x 9'x 3'

Forceps Fish (7)
Cleaner Shrimp (24)
Fire Fish (5)
Fire Scallops (12)
Urchin, long spines (5)

Sand, Anemone, Live Coral, Live Rock

The one I will actually be doing atcsome point:
10' x 6' x 3' bamboo shark tank.

But if we're talking dreams... Let's say a lot bigger with my house built inside the tank. Housing reef sharks.
OK mine would be:
Size - 5000g.
Stock - 3 leopard sharks and any other colourful fish that can go with leopard sharks!
Decor - Sand bottom, LOT'S of real corals and LOT'S of live rock.
Good luck watching me eventually getting the legal ok's and setting this up! :hyper:

Missy x.
OK mine would be:
Size - 5000g.
Stock - 3 leopard sharks and any other colourful fish that can go with leopard sharks!
Decor - Sand bottom, LOT'S of real corals and LOT'S of live rock.
Have fun with watching me eventually set this up! :hyper:

Missy x.

lol good luck getting the legal ok's

A tank built into my bedroom floor
Size: ~20 feet by 25 feet, 2.5 feet deep
Stock: 9000 neon tetras
Decor: Sand bottom with a bunch of plants and bogwood with some open sand areas
I'm going to be different....

Size 29 Gallon
Stock Friendly live-bearers, specifically guppies and platies and cory's for the bottom
Decor Sand or realistic rocks, live plants

I love flashy friendy...smaller...fish. You can have more of them in a smaller tank. Plus! A tank that isn't too small or too big takes just the right amount of upkeep. I'm lazy. :rolleyes:

Good thing is my dream tank is very do-able
6Ft x 3ft x 2ft =224 gal I would have the fish I have now and a few others.

1 Red severum
1 Green severum
1 Heros Notatus
1 True Parrot
4 festivus
4 Pictus Cats
2 BN plecos
8 Buenos Aires Tetra
OK mine would be:
Size - 5000g.
Stock - 3 leopard sharks and any other colourful fish that can go with leopard sharks!
Decor - Sand bottom, LOT'S of real corals and LOT'S of live rock.
Have fun with watching me eventually set this up! :hyper:

Missy x.

lol good luck getting the legal ok's

I know right! I'm gonna change my last line in my original post to "good luck watching me set it up!" Sounds more appropriate because you won't actually be able to watch me set it up!

Missy x.
Size: 1.08321 * 10^12 km^3
Stock: everything
Decor: everything else
LOL one tank is just not enough.

For my beloved Clown Loach 8ft x 3ft x 2ft River tank with bucket loads of flow

I want A marine tank the Juwel vision 450 is perfect for what I want at the momment :hey:

And one day I would like to get a tank to keep Discus but I have not looked into that yet.

So I guess I need not just a load of tanks I need a whole room :good:

Regards onebto
4x2x2 :drool:
Violet Red Bruno Plec
Ocean rock, sand
Or same size tank , large bogwood, heavily plantedDwarf Rainbows (tons of them) 2 BN Plecs :good: :good:

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