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  1. S

    Buying Fish Online

    I don't have the option to buy from an LFS where I'm situated at the moment (Rural area, no local petstore) and the only source I have is local fish keepers (which isn't many) and the high school that sell mostly the hardiest fish after finished with them for their aquaculture class. So buying...
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    Substrate Change

    I've actually been thinking about changing my gravel to a more 'natural' type and the would be good for the plants I've got now. I might do it now that I've seen this but I'm still thinking.
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    Clamped Fins

    Okay, cool. So, besides the only platy who I know died from new tank syndrome, would it be safe to assume I got a bad batch from the pet store then and it's not actually my water quality? If so, that would do a lot into restoring my interest in the hobby.
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    Clamped Fins

    Okay, mostly happy with it but the pH results came out a bit wonky. I think I did something wrong with it. I did the regular test first and it came out 7.6 but when I did the high pH it came out at 7.4? Can I assume that means 7.5 or should I retest? Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 10 Can I...
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    Clamped Fins

    got my test kit today. It's the API Master Test Kit. I'll test out the water tomorrow. I don't feel up to messing around with chemicals tonight. I don't want an accident.
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    Clamped Fins

    An hour and a half is better then 8 hours. lol I want more snow up here. It's supposed to be warm for christmas. I don't want it to be xD
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    Clamped Fins

    I got my guppies from a hobbyist in town. Recently though, my mom had knee surgery so she was taking quite a few trips down to Portland and Augusta. So, while down there, she grabbed these platies and otos. I was expecting possibly guppies or something hardy but not the otos. EDIT: Also, the...
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    Clamped Fins

    Our walmart doesn't sell fish :good: I think there was too little interest and it was too expensive for them. Because they also had to stop doing lay-aways. Like, their storage was chock full of things that had been put on lay away. But that's what happens in a town that's primarily got senior...
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    Clamped Fins

    Well, I've got a test kit on the way. I got an email from amazon saying it was shipped out on the 17th so I'll just have to sit and wait pretty much. I'm from North Eastern Maine. Like I said in my first post, the only store nearby that sells fish supplies is WalMart. And I think the nearest...
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    Clamped Fins

    It's an AquaTech 5-15G power filter. It seems to me that intake is more of a problem then the output. Like, even my platies seem to sometimes have a little problem with it though they've yet to get stuck or anything. And the intake has a really long tube so it's close to the gravel. maybe an...
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    I Bought Something(S) Online!

    I know. We've been over the canadian several times. But it's why we almost never buy anything in Canada and I didn't really include Canada in my options when it comes to fish. I do eventually want to move Canada though. lol It's much better over there. Particularly, living in Vancouver or...
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    I would to have that reef in my aquarium. lol. Same goes for the states on those though. Especially on the New Jersey Shore.
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    Cool. Thanks for all the replies. I'll check out the FAQ. Like I need anymore ideas for keeping pets, but I've already got an idea for a vivarium for one. It doesn't take me long to think up things like this. I tend to get carried away with certain things. lol And sorry I hadn't checked this...
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    Clamped Fins

    Nope, it's in my bedroom and the door's shut all the time to keep to keep the cats out. I'm not in my room all that much so they get to be left alone a lot. I do want a betta eventually but I don't know. I was thinking I would wait to get one until I could get a tank specifically with a betta's...
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    Pets With Sunglasses

    lol. he's never impressed :P
  16. S

    Clamped Fins

    Yeah, I realize that. I would eventually upgrade to a 30 gallon but until then I should probably wait... I don't really like tetras that much. They're pretty but... I don't know. I do love cory cats and the harlequin rasboras... I'll see if the high school is willing to take these guys off my...
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    Pets With Sunglasses

    Here's my baby boy Boo, being his totally bad boy self I wanna see pics of your pets wearing sunglasses! So post them :P
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    Doggies In The Snow :)

    Lol. Snow's a regular occurrence here. Loli hates it. She's a little chihuahua mix (mostly chihuahua) so she's not suited for the snow in the first place. We have to force her to go outside for fear she's going to get another UTI and then it's like quick out then back in :P It's funny though...
  19. S

    I Bought Something(S) Online!

    I would love to order all my fish stuff online. Right now, it's about half buying online and half buying at Wal-Mart due to where I'm situated. Extremely rural, nearest petstore somewhere around 5 hours away and the nearest GOOD pet store is 8 hours. That's not including Canada though. I think...
  20. S

    Clamped Fins

    Yeah. I'm considering right now giving my fish away and just restarting the tank with better gravel and actually cycling it right. Then, no more fish from a big pet store or local people. I'm going to order fish from And no more livebearers. Maybe some zebra danios. Those are...
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    Clamped Fins

    I know. But my mom's real hesitant on spending more money on the fish. She doesn't really get it, you know? If I get any more money for christmas, I'm going to go out and buy as many different types of meds I can so I'll get my bases covered in the future. So, I'll be getting an anti-bacterial...
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    New Filter?

    I want to upgrade my fish tank as well to 30 gallons. Would be better for the cats and, now that I know better, I can get it started up right with the right gravel and everything. But that's not gonna happen for a while. Probably not until I get my own place. Anyway, just a thought. Unless he...
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    Moss Ball

    I want one of these. They sound so cool :hyper:
  24. S

    New Filter?

    Uh, I'm new here too but 60l is roughly 15 US gallons, right? Isn't that a bit small for a 5 inch catfish? Most catfish are pretty active. I myself have 5 otocinclus cats in a 10 gallon, which I think is a bit small for them just because of how active they are in my tank and they're only 2...
  25. S

    Clamped Fins That's my heater -_- She's just laying on the substrate now and rapid breathing. She's also staying in areas where the water's less agitated by the filter and air stone. I think that's why her eye's swollen. It could've easily been...
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    Stupid Angel Learned His Lesson

    They have much longer memories then that. There's an episode of Mythbusters where they taught common goldfish to go through a little maze type thing. It took them a few days to teach them to go through each separate part using food as a reward but the fish always started back at the beginning...
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    Just wondering if anyone keeps or know anyone keeping mudskippers, besides big aquariums/research facilities? I think they're quite cute (like most gobies I've seen) and that it would be cool to keep one. Mudskippers:
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    Clamped Fins

    Well, one's already dead so it would be bad to add her in lol. She's in the trash now anyway. I do have a heater. I've got one when I first decided I wanted to keep fish again (started in 7th grade but all my fish died within a month because I didn't know anything about fish then started back...
  29. S

    Giant African Land Snails Might want to make sure you have the small species if you can. And be careful about keeping them apart unless you want like tons of eggs and tiny snails. EDIT: I should probably mention I've never had these myself and I live in the US...
  30. S

    Clamped Fins

    yeah, I knew I had a lot under my gravel but I wasn't expecting brown water to be coming out like that. How long should I leave the cartridge from the old filter in this new one? Also, two of my females were looking sick so I did end up removing them. One was the one being lethargic and she...
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    My Ocean Reef

    Because gobies are awesome and totally cute? :D -somewhat random input-
  32. S

    Clamped Fins

    Okay, went there and Mom gave me 50 dollars to spend. Bought: New Filter replacement cartridges for the new filter a basic gravel vac air pump tubing air stone aponogeton bulbs And I'm happy to say I came in 4 dollars under my limit. The new filter is set up, after me cursing at it a few...
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    Clamped Fins

    Yeah, and I realize that. I really want one and I've been asking for all fish stuff for Christmas and telling everyone exactly what I need for them. I don't know anyone else IRL who keeps fish, as I don't have many friends in the first place, so no one I can borrow a test kit from other wise I...
  34. S

    Dealing with pest snails!

    This is a great thread. I had a big population boom of snails then they all kind of died off. Now I have several empty snail shells in my tank. I don't like them but it's hard to pick them up without crushing the shell. Will the empty shells harm my tank? Also, I do now the lettuce trick works...
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    Today At The Vet

    That's good. Very glad it's an allergy and not something more serious. My dog's allergic to nuts. Well, at least pistachios but we're not willing to take the risk and let her try the others. She gets hives on her belly and her whole body get a little swollen. Thankfully, it goes away on it's own...
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    Clamped Fins

    So, this afternoon I went up to check on my tank and noticed one of my shy female platies was resting at the top of the tank, just sort of floating up there, with her fins clamped. I watched her for a bit and she kept her fins clamped so I did a quick google of clamped fins to see possible...
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    Today At The Vet

    Awwh, that's horrible. I hope you get it all sorted. Best of luck.
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    Have You Got Your Cat's Permission

    Cats own YOU, not the other way around. They sometimes listen but generally only when it suits them, not to please you. They are amazing, proud animals. Life wouldn't be the same without one. Here is my 'owner' Rescued from the pound with his sis when they were just babies. Edit: And I...
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    Dog Behaviour

    Glad you got the problem resolved! The prospect of losing a beloved pet is always a hard one. Sounds like you guys are doing great. Congratz.
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    Oh Amy! What'S Wrong!?!

    I can find the spare money to take my pets to the vet when they're seriously ill but I'm not about to take them there every single time they get a little cold or start acting slightly off. I know my pets well enough to know when they're really sick or they're just having an off day. Each of them...