Oh Amy! What'S Wrong!?!


"A Coup D'tat"
Oct 29, 2009
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i Need some help..

Amy ( My Cavlier King Charlies spanial )

Is'nt responding to anything im saying to her.

She seems Obsessed with this bear witch also looks like a CKCS

She takes it everywhere. Cry's when its not there. Etc.

Im beginning to worry.

I Dont know if its because she thinks the bares her puppy or what ever.

But when will the Crying end!!

Seriously! she's been keeping me up all night whining about this bloody bear!!

I Hav'nt hid it or anything its with her and she still repeatently licks it / Crys afterwards

Any-one got any Clues what on earth is up with her? and how i can make he go back to normal?
I would say a phantom pregnancy would be her problem. Sounds just like it. Is she collecting any other toys or nesting?

Edit: If it's a phantom pregnancy, it should pass on it's own after a couple weeks.

Also, if she isn't listening, it might be that she's fixating on the bear too much to hear you. You could always take her in to the vet to get her ears tested. How old is she? Dogs lose their hearing in old age just like humans do.
Take the bear away and ignore her crys. But I wouldn't advise you to listen to anyone's solutions here, go straight to the vet they're the only ones who can properly help (no offence)
Vets aren't behaviorists. This sounds like a behavior problem, not a health problem.
I agree it's worthwhile to check it out but you shouldn't take a dog to the vet for a behavior problem and expect the vet to be able to fix it.

Also, I don't think you should do anything until you know the root of the problem. Just like you wouldn't treat an illness or a problem with your tank without first knowing what it was. Taking the bear away has the potential to compound the problem and she could just turn this obsession to another toy and start all over again.

Knox, how old is she? How often do you walk/exercise Amy and for how long? Has she recently been in heat and come out of it? Was she around in-tact males during this time? Is she obsessive towards anything else? Have you seen her nesting (collecting blankets in a certain spot, digging) or collecting toys? Any other behavior issues, like aggression, being territorial, etc.?

Does she respond to other sounds or is she oblivious? There are some simple tests you can do to see if she's deaf though I don't know how this would work with her being so obsessive over the toy. I would have the vet check her hearing for you.
true vets are not behaviorists but they spend a lot of time with dogs most probs more than some of the people that have commented
the question you should of asked was is she spayed or has she just had a season?
i agree with ace if your worried dont listen to peoples opinions here get a vet to take a look if it is a phantom it is physical symptoms therefor medical intervention may help she may even produce milk but it will pass good luck
regards scot

oh ludwig has lots of experience with many many dogs and if you are unsure on what to do maybe ask him to look at this thread for you

just noticed last poster asked about the season and nesting behaviour sorry saracirce
but i think your wrong about the vet not been able to help thats just i/m/o
I think the vet /might/ be able to help but I don't think taking the dog to the vet for this is the right way to go unless the dog is showing signs of being ill or it really gets out of hand. To me, it's like taking a kid to the doctor because they're being a brat and just saying 'load 'em up! Shut 'em up!' It's just not right. You take the kid to a therapist or you change how you're disciplining/dealing with them. It's pretty much the same with dogs. And, if this is a phantom pregnancy, it would be a waste of money to take her and just have the vet say it'll pass. I don't know about you, but I don't have that kind of money to waste.
diciplining kids for been naughty is a bit different to an animal with a hormone imbalance waste of money maybe but is it worth the risk the o/p is obviously worried so a trip to the vet will at least give reassurance rather than someone on a forum giving their own opinion of what they think COULD/MIGHT be wrong
The kid could have a hormone imbalance just as much as the dog could. And Knox hasn't replied to this thread in 3 days so they either aren't that worried about it or can't get on. But that's exactly why I've been asking questions. To try and help her narrow down the reasons why her dog could be doing this. And I would still try to correct the behavior with training before turning to the vet. I'm sorry, I just don't trust vets that much nor do I have the money to spend on one before trying my other options first and I don't think many people do.
no trying other options is great if your pet isnt ill enough to die whilst you try im disabled and live on benafits but if you cant afford to go to the vets everytime your animal is ill and you dont know why
imo no offence you shouldnt have pets
as for the hormone imbalance if it was your kid would you go to the dr's or try special teas from tesco and see how they go
just a thought

maybe the reason the op hasnt replied is maybe due to people who actually know the pet in question helping
or he has taken advice from someone who knows there stuff about dogs behaviorally or medically sometimes real people can help more efficiently than the least busy section of the forum
no offence buy the way this is just my opinion after all and thats what forums are about after all
I can find the spare money to take my pets to the vet when they're seriously ill but I'm not about to take them there every single time they get a little cold or start acting slightly off. I know my pets well enough to know when they're really sick or they're just having an off day. Each of them we've had since babies. And as much as I love them, other things do take priority over the animals unless they're really sick.

As for if it was my kid, I would ask my mom first and see what she says. She's a nurse and a good one at that. I trust her opinion and if she thinks a doctor should see them, then yeah I'll take them to the doctor.

And I'm perfectly fine with her getting help from people IRL. I know it's probably better then what advice I can give her, especially without knowing more, and I'm not offended by that. I certainly wouldn't put the opinions of a person on a forum over someone I know personally and has a lot of experience with dogs.
Vets aren't behaviorists. This sounds like a behavior problem, not a health problem.

I would disagree, even though they may not specialise in behaviour, I'm sure an experienced vet who has been working with dogs for a while is as much qualified as a so called behaviourist. And you don't know for definitely that it is a behaviour problem. I know it can be expensive to take your pet to the vets, but if this is your first dog then you will worry and if its going to relieve stress from you, as first time owner, then surely it is worth the money just too be sure.

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