Today At The Vet


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Well, today when I got home from school, I noticed my dog's lip was swollen. I thought he bumped into something hard, cause he can be pretty clumsy, so I looked at it a bit, determined it wasn't that bad, and let him be. Well, after a couple minutes, I noticed his eye was really swollen. I didn't notice it before cause his left lip was swollen, and his right eye was swollen, and he was lying down with his swollen eye on my pillow. So, I had my mom call the vet, and we drove there. On the way to the vet, I noticed he had hives on his head. We get to the vet and we get in right away, his vitals are pretty much perfect, so they decide to do a rectal exam. That was a horrible experience. My mom had to leave, and I had to constrain my dog, while the vet was loosening these glands in his butt. My dog (Clyde) was yelping like mad. You would've thought he was being murdered, and the smell was horendous. After that was all done, they determined he might have diahera. Well, I didn't care much about that. Since he got into the garbage last night, they think he might've got into something he was allergic to, but what it is we don't know. So now he has to take two different kinds of medicines, wear a cone, eat a special diet and we have to watch him go to the bathroom, and they don't think the eye swelling is related to the hives at all. I just thought I'd share since I love my dog and he just looks really pathetic right now. :(
Awwh, that's horrible. I hope you get it all sorted. Best of luck.
Well good news! We've determined it was just an allergy. He had gotten some shots to hopefully help reduce the swelling, and it has gone down dramatically! But because of the shots, he's very drowsy, and he's sleeping now. :)
Well good news! We've determined it was just an allergy. He had gotten some shots to hopefully help reduce the swelling, and it has gone down dramatically! But because of the shots, he's very drowsy, and he's sleeping now. :)

Do you perhaps have any Syrringha trees in your yard....Sounds very much like the symptoms my king charles got after chewing on the berries from a Syrringha tree....
That's good. Very glad it's an allergy and not something more serious. My dog's allergic to nuts. Well, at least pistachios but we're not willing to take the risk and let her try the others. She gets hives on her belly and her whole body get a little swollen. Thankfully, it goes away on it's own but we have to be careful not to let her have anything with nuts in it except for peanut butter (she seems fine with peanuts, go figure)
am sorry you had to go through that, but glad he is ok now :good:

show us a pic of your little man :D

That's good. Very glad it's an allergy and not something more serious. My dog's allergic to nuts. Well, at least pistachios but we're not willing to take the risk and let her try the others. She gets hives on her belly and her whole body get a little swollen. Thankfully, it goes away on it's own but we have to be careful not to let her have anything with nuts in it except for peanut butter (she seems fine with peanuts, go figure)

peanuts are usually the worst lol
Well good news! We've determined it was just an allergy. He had gotten some shots to hopefully help reduce the swelling, and it has gone down dramatically! But because of the shots, he's very drowsy, and he's sleeping now. :)

Do you perhaps have any Syrringha trees in your yard....Sounds very much like the symptoms my king charles got after chewing on the berries from a Syrringha tree....
We used to, but those are long gone. We removed them years ago. Nope, all we have in my yard are 2 Ash trees, a Birch tree and a Maple tree.

We think he may be allergic to jalepenos, since there were a lot of them in the garbage we through away last night.

I'm trying to find a good picture of him. There's just too many pictures on the hard drive.

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