Stupid Angel Learned His Lesson


Jul 19, 2005
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I had a big tank only for shrimps, most for CRS, but also some cherry shrimps there, they breed like weeds, so i have to move extra cherry shrimps in my plant tank from time to time. This is a very heavily planted tank, some big angel live there, so i think they will control the shrimp population.

I notice about 95% shrimps survived, they hide very well, and they seems have birth control, as i never see shrimp breed in this tank. Occasionally, i saw angel chase them, just try his luck. Today, one of the biggest angel learned his lesson. when i back home, i found him stuck underneath the bogwood, can not move, obviously he worked too hard for the shrimp, LOL.

if i do not let him out, he will soon be dead, hopefully he learned his lesson. But i was told fish only have 35 second memory..
They have much longer memories then that. There's an episode of Mythbusters where they taught common goldfish to go through a little maze type thing. It took them a few days to teach them to go through each separate part using food as a reward but the fish always started back at the beginning and they learned how to go through the entire thing. Fish are a lot smarter then people think.
But i was told fish only have 35 second memory..

my fishis come to the food conner at 8 am and 6 pm.. only when i go near the tank they swim funny and looking for food. if anyone els, they dont bother.

so they do have more the 12 hour memory. and recon feeding hand.
Yeah i heard when that fish especially goldfish fish only had about 15second memory and when i started keeping fish i realized that it wasn't true and they remember you and know when it is feeding time inclding my angelfish.
Yeah my fish all know when its feeding time they all gather around the side of the tank that I feed them at.
I variate my feeding times from day-to-day, so my fish have nothing like that. XD

However, when they're hungry, they *WILL* swim at the tops of the tanks; and my female Bettas actually come to greet me all the time! :D My Mom and me, mostly. :3 But mostly me. XD
my fish do the exact same thing, but they are exposed to this everyday and are used to it, unless there has been a study to prove me wrong IMO it might take the angel a few more fails to remeber to not do that. (it has also been shown that if you for example bred this angel its offspring will also not make the same mistake)
my fish do the exact same thing, but they are exposed to this everyday and are used to it, unless there has been a study to prove me wrong IMO it might take the angel a few more fails to remeber to not do that. (it has also been shown that if you for example bred this angel its offspring will also not make the same mistake)

LOL, that is impossible, you mean the parent fish will pass this knowledge to their baby?
my fish do the exact same thing, but they are exposed to this everyday and are used to it, unless there has been a study to prove me wrong IMO it might take the angel a few more fails to remeber to not do that. (it has also been shown that if you for example bred this angel its offspring will also not make the same mistake)

LOL, that is impossible, you mean the parent fish will pass this knowledge to their baby?

Makes sense I suppose, animals passing on knowledge of the best feeding spots is common so I guess they would pass on satefy tips. No reason why fish wouldn't do the same.

I definatly agree that fish remember things well. My fish will poke and play with my fingers as I clean, but they are much more warey of my partner who has only just started doing it.
its true, how do you think migratory birds always find their way to their good spot without even knowing about it?

or our instincts? these came from our ancestors as well, why do you think we do it without even thinking?

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