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  1. R

    I was told this is a real face

    my boyfriend and i were just talking about this chick last nite, but i couldn't remember her name. I remember when she was on the view and they asked her if it was true that she couldn't blink, she could, but it looked like it took alot of effort :sick:
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    walmart petition

    this is really interesting to me cuz some of the best fish i've had are from walmart :*) I dunno if the fact that i live in canada makes a difference, but i've come to know the manager of the pet area and she's very qualified and knowledged about her fish, she's saved me a few times from...
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    Bettas, Gourami, and Cory cats

    hey all, right now i've got this gorgeous male betta living happily in a 5 gallon with two albino cory. These seem to be the only fish that he totally ignores, lol. I'd like to maybe move them all into my other 10 gallon and set that up as another community tank, but i was just wondering if...
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    neons with only one eye

    just wanted to give an update on my tetras :( so i started out with six - lost one to my AC-Mini filter - lost three to my bettas :crazy: who knew that bettas consider tetras snacks?? :*) so now i'm down to 2, they must be scared in my community tank :no:
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    I Love Cory's

    the spotted cory's are very cute, i wonder if any of my LFS have them, i'll definitely look, cuz i'm due for some birfday monies soon :D
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    Growing Algae....

    :lol: well i guess it's always a good idea to have some back up algae?? lol. i will definitely try feeding them some cucumber, if i don't eat all of it myself. does it have to be blanched.
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    I Love Cory's

    Inchworm, :D thanx for the links, i am now adding the long-finned variety to my list of dream fish. I have yet to see the panda variety at any of the LFS in my area. :( They are hella cute and remind me of punk rockers for some reason, lol. :P
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    Growing Algae....

    hey all, i've got two oto cats in my community tank. They seem to be okay thus far, i'm not sure what they are eating exactly, my tank doesn't really have any heavily visible algae growing on it, yet they are pooping. i've dropped some blanched lettuce in the tank for them, and they take little...
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    I Love Cory's

    are their any pink variations of cory that aren't dyed? I'm planning on making my 20 gallon tank a community tank with fish that are mostly white, pink, and red in color :D
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    neons with only one eye

    inchworm, that is so cool, i think that corys are one of the most adorable fish :wub: i have two albino cory and they are the superstars of the tank. i unfortunately lost one of my tetras to my evil aquaclear150, tiny thing got sucked up into it (this is the second fish i've lost to the...
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    acceptable aquatic plants

    sorry, i didn't really know how else to word it. :*) ummmmm, someone posted a list of plants that shouldn't be put in an aquarium i guess, and i think i saw mondo grass on there but i don't remember, i'm just asking because someone i know is selling some mondo grass for extremely cheap and i...
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    acceptable aquatic plants

    hey all, i can't remember if it was on this forum or another one, but someone posted the url for a list of acceptable aquarium plants? if anyone has this url could you please post it? it would be greatly appreciated :D
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    I Love Cory's

    I hear what you're saying, the albino cory's are absolutely adorable they way that they swim is so darn cute :D
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    Interesting Danio

    hey all, i recently purchased a cool looking gold danio that didn't have the the horizontal stripes running down the side of it's body, instead it had the markings of a leopard danio and this fish is very vibrant in color?? do i have a special fish?? lol :D i'm thinking this must be a pretty...
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    neons with only one eye

    i've had the two tetras for about a day now, and they are doing just lovely. they swim in circles (once in a while) to compensate for their vision field changes but other than that they get along fine with the other tetras, there's no nipping or any other questionable behaviour going on. :cool...
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    neons with only one eye

    I was at the LFS on my home from school and one of the employees asked me if i was willing to take two neon tetras with only one eye, i've got plenty of space in my tank so i took them up on the offer. I was just wondering if there were any special care instructions for one eyed fish?? :)
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    what have i done.....

    i was treating two female bettas in a tank for ich and the water temp is around 85F. The other day my male betta was showing some signs of ick, so i put him in the same tank (in a net breeder so he wouldn't spazz on my females, lol) he died yesterday , but i'm looking at my two female bettas and...
  18. R

    Bubba the betta is deceased

    yeah, i was very sad that i lost bubba, he went from good to bad in a matter of a day or so. :-( i knew there was something wrong when i put him in his partition(a hang on netbreeder) of the quarantine tank and he didn't flare at the females as they swam by. I've decided that he's going to be my...
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    Bubba the betta is deceased

    R.I.P. bubba (my blue/purple/red male betta) you were a mean ornery one, but you were still pretty :byebye: he'd been acting strange the nite before last (noticed him swimming funny, some signs of ich, and he was starting to turn white around his "chin" area, looked as though his colouring...
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    MEAN Fishie...

    This is a really good plan, i had to do this when i introduced a large female betta into my 10 gallon with 2 existing smaller female bettas, before the switch over she would chase the other girls around and claimed territory over most of the tank, lol, after i took all the fish out and...
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    What does everyone use as a background

    i have this blue waterproof fabric thingy that my mom got me from work, it photographs really well. :D
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    are the plants new?? might be remnants of glue?? I sometimes get the wispy thing offf of my fake silk plants, I think it's just a stray thread that collects waste, usually they dimish with water changes.
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    Quiting a noisy filter

    when my impeller was making noise, i took it apart and stuck a little piece of paper in the hole on the fan part. Now i can barely hear it :) juliethegreat, what type of fish is that in the bottom left corner of your siggie, that pink one? it's beautiful :)
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    Net dip/sanitizer

    hey all, i was just wondering how many people use a commercially prepared net dip and if it was okay to just use an extremely diluted bleach/water solution to sanitize my fish net and then rinse it under the tap? -_-
  25. R

    Betta Food

    awesome, i recommend the female bettas over the males cuz you can keep more than one in the tank :D although the males are just as beautiful in colour. I was hoping to add another female betta to my community tank in a few weeks.
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    Betta Food

    so far i've been feeding my bettas tropical flakes and they seem to be enjoying it very much :D i tried feeding them that tubifex worm cube stuff, but they just looked at me like they didn't know what to do with it. I was gonna by some of the betta pellet stuff but one of the owners at the LFS...
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    newbie in distress........sorta

    after a few days of procrastinating, I've finally got a second tank set up. It's a 20 gallon with an aquaclear 150. The filter has only been running for an hour or so, but i've taken some gravel from my other tank, placed it in a mesh bag and put in in my filter compartment where filter media...
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    Setting up a betta tank

    Itty Bitty Betta, where did you purchase that ammonia gauge thingy?? that's cool. was wondering where i could get one? :D
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    Bettas and Danios

    sorry to hear about your bettas, you are so lucky that you had the option of returning your danios. I am stuck with keeping my bettas and danios together until my other tank is cycled :X
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    My bettas are sick...........

    Inchworm, thanx for the info. the other 10 gal tank is going back but i still have a 5 gal tank on standby which isn't up and running yet cuz i don't have a pump, I'm also going to be recieving what lookes like a 20gal tank in the near future. :D The white dots on my larger betta's fins have...
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    My bettas are sick...........

    PS: I'm going to be taking my secondary 10 gal tank back cuz someone has given me a larger tank (word of my aquarium obsession is spreading quickly) :D The LFS that i purchased the tank from doesn't do refunds, only exchanges. I was hoping to get some meds and other stuff in exchange, but i'm...
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    My bettas are sick...........

    :-( I was hoping this wouldn't happen, but it did. One of my bettas appears to have fin rot on one side of her body, and the other one is suffering from stress. Would salt treatment be beneficial for these bettas?? What other things can i do to help these poor fishies?:'( My bettas are sick and...
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    going to be building my own aquarium hood

    i hear you on that one, all together my new hood cost me less that 15 bux, i finally got a fluorescent fixture today at walmart, now i just have to find some screws and/or nails -_- lol
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    going to be building my own aquarium hood

    seems like an awesome idea if my tank wasn't so small and if it weren't for the fact that i'd probably screw that entire plan up and end up cooking me, my fish and anyone else who's in the house with m -_- :P
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    sticking down air lines

    a few people i know use: double sided tape, suction cups from the dollar store, tie the tubing to a small but heavy rock then cover the rock with gravel. ummm.........that's about all i can think of right now.
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    going to be building my own aquarium hood

    i'm going to be building my own aquarium hood, i've already got the pieces of wood all cut out and and everything, just need to go buy some washers for the screws. i had a question about lighting fixtures, i would like to have live plants in the future tank so i would like to install a...
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    newbie in distress........sorta

    pendragon, i think i might do that, i'm still going to move the some of the marble into the new tank, i think they'd look better in there anyways, but right now i have to decide where i'm going to place the tanks, i don't like where i have my first tank set up, but i'm kind of low on space. -_-
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    lol, yeah, i guess that's too much fish estrogen than one male can handle :P
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    lol, that is soooo cute. :) so when your male betta starts doing that is that a good time to introduce him to females? :D I'm going to have a tank that's going to be primarily full of female bettas, could i just plunk him in that tank and let him do his business then put him back in his own...