
jams.alaskan said:
Sounds like he is building a bubble nest. It proves he's happy and he's looking for love! :D

lol, that is soooo cute. :)

so when your male betta starts doing that is that a good time to introduce him to females? :D I'm going to have a tank that's going to be primarily full of female bettas, could i just plunk him in that tank and let him do his business then put him back in his own tank or would the females have to be in his space cuz that's where all the bubble nests are? :D
rcole82 said:
jams.alaskan said:
Sounds like he is building a bubble nest. It proves he's happy and he's looking for love! :D

lol, that is soooo cute. :)

so when your male betta starts doing that is that a good time to introduce him to females? :D I'm going to have a tank that's going to be primarily full of female bettas, could i just plunk him in that tank and let him do his business then put him back in his own tank or would the females have to be in his space cuz that's where all the bubble nests are? :D
I have $20 that says the male gets shredded the second he drops into the female tank.
Itty Bitty Betta said:
rcole82 said:
jams.alaskan said:
Sounds like he is building a bubble nest.  It proves he's happy and he's looking for love! :D

lol, that is soooo cute. :)

so when your male betta starts doing that is that a good time to introduce him to females? :D I'm going to have a tank that's going to be primarily full of female bettas, could i just plunk him in that tank and let him do his business then put him back in his own tank or would the females have to be in his space cuz that's where all the bubble nests are? :D
I have $20 that says the male gets shredded the second he drops into the female tank.
lol, yeah, i guess that's too much fish estrogen than one male can handle :p
Most definetly DO NOT put him in the tank with the females. If you are truely interested in breeding Bettas, then check out the links someone posted above. Breeding Bettas is not easy and not something to jump into lightly, as it will only cause pain and suffering on the fishes part as well as you. It doesn't really sound like you're interested in really breeding them though, just because he's blowing bubbles doesn't mean you have to breed him (99% of people who keep Bettas don't breed), it just means he's happy and healthy.

petsmart girl huh? :D i got my bettas from a chain store too! veil tail mutt gang! w00t lol ...

don't go running off to get a female, read up on it first and I mean READ UP on it. I thought I read up on it so i got a female betta ... then I REALLY read up on it and figured out that it wasn't the thing for me

I want so bad to breed them, but I'm going off to college and have only about 2 months til then so breeding is probably a bad idea.

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