neons with only one eye


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
I was at the LFS on my home from school and one of the employees asked me if i was willing to take two neon tetras with only one eye, i've got plenty of space in my tank so i took them up on the offer.

I was just wondering if there were any special care instructions for one eyed fish?? :)

If a fish has already losty an eye, it will live quite normally. If fish in your tank start losing eyes, that is different and requires immediate investigation.
Yes, one of my otos had only one eye when I bought them, but he's just as happy and active as the others :)
i've had the two tetras for about a day now, and they are doing just lovely. they swim in circles (once in a while) to compensate for their vision field changes but other than that they get along fine with the other tetras, there's no nipping or any other questionable behaviour going on. :cool: I'm absolutely in love with tetras now, i think they are adorable fish, i think i might go and get some more.
Hi rcole82 :)

Good for you! I'm glad that those poor little fish have found a good home. :thumbs:

Just the other day I bought a cory that has only one eye. It was all alone in a tank with some large cichlids and is still in bad shape. I'm sure that once it's fins heal it will do just fine, and at least it will live out its life with other corys. :D
inchworm, that is so cool, i think that corys are one of the most adorable fish :wub: i have two albino cory and they are the superstars of the tank.

i unfortunately lost one of my tetras to my evil aquaclear150, tiny thing got sucked up into it (this is the second fish i've lost to the filter) so i've wrapped a sort of mesh netting around the uptake pipe.

My tetras are starting to nip at each other, lol. i have no idea why, i was just sitting there watching them and one of them practically swam from one side of the tank to the other so that they could nip at another tetra :rolleyes: and some of them are starting to look a little plump, i'm not sure if i'm feeding them too much or if they might be holding eggs, but it was my understanding that it was difficult to get tetras to breed so i'm just assuming i've spoiled them. :D
just wanted to give an update on my tetras :(

so i started out with six
- lost one to my AC-Mini filter
- lost three to my bettas :crazy: who knew that bettas consider tetras snacks?? :*)

so now i'm down to 2, they must be scared in my community tank :no:

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