Growing Algae....


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
hey all,

i've got two oto cats in my community tank. They seem to be okay thus far, i'm not sure what they are eating exactly, my tank doesn't really have any heavily visible algae growing on it, yet they are pooping. i've dropped some blanched lettuce in the tank for them, and they take little nibbles.

I've got some tank water sitting on the windowsill with hopes of growing some algae :D has anyone else done this?? if so, how long did it take for the algae to grow?? and when feeding it to your fish, how did you do it?
Nope, never done it. :p If the little guys are still active and as you say pooping then they should be fine. Often we dont see the algae because its not thick and green but there must be enough in there for them. Also try algae wafers and mine love cucumber. The algae in the window could be a long time or anly a week or so depends on the composition of the water and how much direct sun it getting. I know over on this coast of the country you could probably not have algae for about another 2 months. :lol:
tstenback said:
Nope, never done it. :p If the little guys are still active and as you say pooping then they should be fine. Often we dont see the algae because its not thick and green but there must be enough in there for them. Also try algae wafers and mine love cucumber. The algae in the window could be a long time or anly a week or so depends on the composition of the water and how much direct sun it getting. I know over on this coast of the country you could probably not have algae for about another 2 months. :lol:

well i guess it's always a good idea to have some back up algae?? lol. i will definitely try feeding them some cucumber, if i don't eat all of it myself. does it have to be blanched.

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