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    Black Beard Algae

    I'm intrigued by this as I have BBA in a tank that contains only silk plants, (it also contains axolotls but no live plants). It's really rather annoying and I wonder if the same methods for combatting it would work.
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    New Old 4 Foot Tank

    The pandas and albinos were rescued from other people's tanks who were getting rid of their set ups altogether so weren't really planned for the tank. They seem to have established territories with regard to feeding, the pygmies stick to the back of the tank whereas the pandas and albinos hang...
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    Led Lights

    Thinking of getting red, green and blue strips so I can create different lighting effects, would that require different transformers or can more than one strip be run off one transformer?
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    Led Lights

    Whenever I look on ebay for aquarium type things I seem to be flooded with people selling led lights for the aquarium. Given that I have white bulbs in place I am tempted to try some blue LEDs just to offer a different effect, I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with LED lights?
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    New Old 4 Foot Tank

    I'm planning on the main decoration being rocks, specifically slate, which isn't coming cheap so spending on live plants will have to wait a while.
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    New Old 4 Foot Tank

    To start with I plan on having artificial (silk) plants and slowly replace them with the real thing.
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    New Old 4 Foot Tank

    It's 4 feet (122cm) long, 50cm tall and 40 cm deep. which I calculate to be around 240 litres. It's taken a while to clean and repair and generally get to a state where the other half will allow it house room but it's now pretty much ready to go. I will be transferring the current occupants of...
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    Stocking Idea

    I love the look of those apistos, it's either them or increasing the size of the shoals as fluttermoth suggested. Thanks for the advice.
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    Stocking Idea

    I have 125 litre tank that is reasonably well planted, externally filtered and currently has residing in it... 6 Galaxy Rasbora 6 Neon Tetra 6 Pygmy Cory 6 Guppies (male) 2 African dwarf frogs I can't decide whether to get more Galaxy Rasbora and Neons or to get a 'centre piece' larger fish...
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    Help With First Tank

    I have pygmy corydora as well as kuhli loach in my 120 litre and they are much more active, they enjoy the bubbles and dart up to the top of the tank for a gulp of air every now and again. They aren't the most colourful of fish but their personality more than makes up for it.
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    Help With First Tank

    Kuhli Loach need somewhere to hide if you are going to have them in your tank, they are shy, very shy, in fact if you want them to look at you might be very disappointed. I have Kuhlis and find that part of the joy of them is spotting them meandering about between the stones and plants looking...
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    Feeding Guide?

    It's all down to practice really. I tend to feed my fish a small amount, then if they finish it really quickly I give them a little more, and so on. Generally if there is any food left after 4 or 5 minutes you are feeding them too much but they should always be 'hungry' in the sense they want...
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    Galaxy Rasbora/celestial Pearl Danios

    Mine tend to spend most of their time in the middle third of the tank with occasional forays upwards and downwards, they are certainly not as active and zippy as zebras (from my limited experience with zebras) but are running rings around my neons and embers at the moment.
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    Galaxy Rasbora/celestial Pearl Danios

    I've found them to be very active and playful but then there's nothing in the tank that they would find threatening so perhaps that is part of it. They have no need to hide so they don't.
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    Galaxy Rasbora/celestial Pearl Danios

    That has almost convinced me to head down to Chester Zoo just for a look, I have 10 and they look great but a massive shoal would be a sight to behold.
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    Galaxy Rasbora/celestial Pearl Danios

    Not the best pics but the little buggers won't stay still.
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    Galaxy Rasbora/celestial Pearl Danios

    Appatrently they were originally known as Galaxy Rasbora but after study by people who study these sort of things they have been found to have more in common with Danios. The name changed officially about 18 months ago but they are still more commonly referred to by their original, if...
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    Galaxy Rasbora/celestial Pearl Danios

    After months of searching I have finally managed to get my hands on some of these beautiful little fish. Not only are they lovely to look at they have such playful personalities. They spent yesterday evening 'surfing' on the filter currents and exploring the plants in their new home. Pics to...
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    What Fish To Buy

    There are some excellent websites out there that provide pointers on compatability so I'd echo the suggestions that have already been made then decide on what fish you most want and build your stocking list round that.
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    Live Plants? Yay Or Nay?

    I've gone for live plants for a combination of the above reasons, they are good for the chemical balance but also they look better, more natural (obviously). With regard to the snails I have found that they are directly proportionate to the amount you (over)feed your fish. I overfed for ages...
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    Upper Water Level Fish

    I do like the look of the hatchetfish I have to say, a little concerned about their jumping abilities but they are very distinctive looking.
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    Upper Water Level Fish

    Currently in my 125 litre I have... 10 Neon Tetra 9 Pygmy Cory 5 Ember Tetra 3 Kuhlii Loach 2 Honey Gourami 3 African Dwarf Frogs and they all seem to hang about in the lower to middle areas of the tank (as is their nature)so I was wondering if you folk had some suggestions as to fish who...
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    Neon Tetra Acting Odd In A New Tank

    Conventional wisdom states that you shouldn't add Neon Tetra to a new tank, they need a mature tank to thrive. Guess what, conventional wisdom is correct. I was (mis)sold Neon Tetra as an ideal starter fish by a local fish store employee who no longer works there, they tend to get very...
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    Stocking Ideas?

    Sounds like trumpet snails, you will certainly find out if you are over-feeding if they are as the little beggars breed like flies if there's enough for them to eat.
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    My Old 60 Ltr

    I don't want 'big' fish, just fish bigger thjan the shoals of neons and pygmy cory that I have currently.
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    My Old 60 Ltr

    I know the 60 ltr will be too small for sharks and I am looking at just putting 3 or 4 fish in it as although I love the smaller shoaling fish I want to try something different in this tank.
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    Help Decorating New Tank!

    That's the sand I used, it takes some cleaning but it looks great. You can get rocks from any LFS usually.
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    My Old 60 Ltr

    and starting to get a bit of progress. I'm hoping that it will be finished by the end of February as that is when I will be able to afford to start stocking it. Originally I had planned to use it as a hospital/quarantine tank but she who must be obeyed has decided it will look nice at the top...
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    Anyone had any experience with them? I'm over that way tomorrow so I thought I would pop in, looks like a good set up on the website but I thought I would inquire just in case I am wasting my time.
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    Water Changes

    The neons were a purchase on the advice of an LFS before I had discovered websites like this and were moved over from my old tank which was about 5 months old to my new tank which arrived at christmas. They seem very hqppy other than at water changes when they hang around under the filters for...
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    Water Changes

    The plants have only gone in the tank in the last week or so but there are plenty of rocks, pics here... Tank pics
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    Getting Discouraged Fast

    Wow your 'Chief' looks exactly like my old Alsatian 'Sparky' who coincidentally was bought as our 'Chief' got older.
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    Water Changes

    I have found that regardless of whether I pour the water in fast or slow the fish still hide under the filters for an hour or so afterwards.
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    Fish Compatable With Neon Tetra (Now With Pics!)

    Pics for those who are interested. More plants on their way soon.
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    2 Filters In One Tank

    Cheers for that, my (new) idea is to move one filter out into my old tank which will now be used elsewhere in the house (and no longer as a hospital/quarantine tank) as she who must be obeyed has decided it will look nice at the top of the stairs, then start another filter off in the main tank...
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    2 Filters In One Tank

    I have been running 2 filters in one tank for about 3 weeks now, the idea is to bring the new filter up to speed with regards to beneficial bacteria etc. I was wondering how long people would leave it before transferring the 'new' filter into another tank which I intend to use as a quarantine or...
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    Fish Compatable With Neon Tetra (Now With Pics!)

    Thanks waterdrop, they were all selected after reading advice on here. Plants should arrive in the next few days so will be looking to add a couple more fish to complete the set up. Either a couple of larger fish or perhaps a few Galaxy Rasbora. I'm currently running a fishless cycle on my old...
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    Fish Compatable With Neon Tetra (Now With Pics!)

    Pics will be up when the plants arrive and go in, it looks a little naked at the moment, with only stones for decoration.
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    Fish Compatable With Neon Tetra (Now With Pics!)

    Well I now have my lovely new 125 litre up and running, 10 Neon Tetra, 11 Pygmy Corys & 2 Honey Gourami. I'm looking for a 'centre piece' fish or two. Any suggestions?
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    Fishless Cycle Timescale

    Hi Andy, yes the tank has fish in it, it is my current 60 litre that will eventually be replaced by my new 120 litre. I got some mature sponge from a friend who was downsizing and have it sitting in my tank in preparation. Nick.