Fish Compatable With Neon Tetra (Now With Pics!)


New Member
Oct 17, 2009
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I'm looking at upsizing to a 125 litre from my current 60 litre when I can persuade 'her indoors' how much nicer it will look.

I currently have some Neon Tetra (8) and Pygmy Corys (6) and will be looking at moving them into the larger tank as I love the way they interact and look. I was wondering what sort of fish would be compatible with these little fellas as wandering around my LFS I notice that many of the more ornately finned fish are not really great tank mates for my little fellas.

Suggestions gratefully received so I can see what I like the look of when I am next up there.
other peaceful community fish, dwarf gourami's, sparkling gourami's, rams, apisto's, rasboras, pleco's, many to choose from.
other peaceful community fish, dwarf gourami's, sparkling gourami's, rams, apisto's, rasboras, pleco's, many to choose from.

Excellent, thanks for that I will start reading up this evening before I take her and point out the beautiful fish that could we swimming around in a tank near her soon!
Rasbora Heteromorpha make fantastic shoals and are super hardy. Rummy noses make even tighter shoals but are bigger fish, though not huge. Black neons...

My friend owns a LFS and he has turned a 125 gallon 6 foot tank into a Walstad style planted tank. He has a nice school of harlequin rasboras in there and it's breathtaking. I was skeptical at first since the tank has no filter, but so far so good for him. I suppose the plants are taking up the ammonia at a greater rate than produced as the tank has been running for months now.
hi, not wanting to hijack but I'm moving to the same size tank and i'm thinking of getting these mainly the pigmy cories as my plec is lazy and boring, i have concerns on how these would get on with the rest of my tank mates minus the clown loach? thanks
Pygmy cories (there are 3 types) are said to be fantastic in large shoals (like 18 or so) because the like to play and frolic together and they will take rides as a group on any fast moving water stream if you have a powerhead shooting through the tank - the post I most remember of the scene I just described made it sound like they were capable of making viewers break into laughter as they rode the "waterfall."

They certainly would be compatible with the fish listed in your signature and in a big 6-footer you'd have enormous room for a big shoal of course. I recommend the ones that are bottom-centric (habrosus?).. OM47 will know...

Well I now have my lovely new 125 litre up and running, 10 Neon Tetra, 11 Pygmy Corys & 2 Honey Gourami. I'm looking for a 'centre piece' fish or two.

Any suggestions?
Thanks waterdrop, they were all selected after reading advice on here.

Plants should arrive in the next few days so will be looking to add a couple more fish to complete the set up. Either a couple of larger fish or perhaps a few Galaxy Rasbora. I'm currently running a fishless cycle on my old tank with a new filter so I can use it as either a quarantine tank or for fry should the need arise.
Pics for those who are interested.

More plants on their way soon.




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