Galaxy Rasbora/celestial Pearl Danios


New Member
Oct 17, 2009
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After months of searching I have finally managed to get my hands on some of these beautiful little fish. Not only are they lovely to look at they have such playful personalities. They spent yesterday evening 'surfing' on the filter currents and exploring the plants in their new home.

Pics to follow when they hold still long enough.

Had a discussion with the chap at the not so local fish shop ( as I thought they were really quite rare and endangered in the wild but he says that used to be the case but they are now being successfully bred in captivity and are really easy to source. If that is the case then I would wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone wanting something a little different in their aquarium.
Thanks for the recommendation and information sparky!

Interesting the two really different common names.. I wonder what that's all about?

Thanks for the recommendation and information sparky!

Interesting the two really different common names.. I wonder what that's all about?


Appatrently they were originally known as Galaxy Rasbora but after study by people who study these sort of things they have been found to have more in common with Danios. The name changed officially about 18 months ago but they are still more commonly referred to by their original, if inaccurate, name.
Lovely fish, well done on sourcing them, be awesome if they bred, still quite expensive, fun to watch..... :good:
just recently sourced some in ireland too great little fish will have to go out and get some soon
I've seen the pictures of these before but I really don't think I've ever seen a live one ever. They must be really something to see, especially those of us who've had the different types of danios for years. Quite jealous to know there are people finding them in their shops. :p




Not the best pics but the little buggers won't stay still.
nice :)
they have a huge shoal in chester zoo lovely to watch

That has almost convinced me to head down to Chester Zoo just for a look, I have 10 and they look great but a massive shoal would be a sight to behold.
nice :)
they have a huge shoal in chester zoo lovely to watch

That has almost convinced me to head down to Chester Zoo just for a look, I have 10 and they look great but a massive shoal would be a sight to behold.

How lively are they? I was aiming for a shoal for my planted tank, but someone here told me that they were very shy fish and rarely seen. However if they are active fish I'll definitely get some.
How lively are they? I was aiming for a shoal for my planted tank, but someone here told me that they were very shy fish and rarely seen. However if they are active fish I'll definitely get some.

I've found them to be very active and playful but then there's nothing in the tank that they would find threatening so perhaps that is part of it. They have no need to hide so they don't.
Interesting! Are they really more shy than zebra danios? Their body shape looks so very similar to that of zebras that I'm just picturing them zipping around near the surface and behaving in the same ways...

Interesting! Are they really more shy than zebra danios? Their body shape looks so very similar to that of zebras that I'm just picturing them zipping around near the surface and behaving in the same ways...


Mine tend to spend most of their time in the middle third of the tank with occasional forays upwards and downwards, they are certainly not as active and zippy as zebras (from my limited experience with zebras) but are running rings around my neons and embers at the moment.

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