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  1. M


    does that really work, cutting open a recently deceased livebearers belly to save the babies?
  2. M

    Freshwater Shrimps

    well ideally bumble bee shrimp, because i know for a fact that i can get hold of them...and ive seen them so i know kinda what they look like
  3. M

    Freshwater Shrimps

    hey thanks to whoever moved this thread for me...much appreaitated!
  4. M

    Freshwater Shrimps

    hi everyone... I was just wondering if anybody ownes/has owened these and if they can give me any advise. My mum wants some and i think they would be a pretty cool idea. I'm already an experienced fish owner, i just know nothing about these little guys.... can i put them in a tropical tank...
  5. M


    congrats on the newborns....they will be extremely fun to watch grow up :) my molly had babies about 2 weeks ago now and mine are growing up fast.
  6. M

    The Lamest fish store advice you've gotten was....

    some of thouse stories are kinda funny, especially the tank set up ones.... and to answer the question about where fish stores/pet stores get there people from, its simple...the youngest teenger that's left school as possible....well ok so i maybe being a bit mean here but that's what it seems...
  7. M

    Baby Mollies

    im now trying to sell mine, and they are around 5 months of age, and also around neon size, i would say anytime from 5 months, any younger and they maybe to small and would be eaten by the older mollies in the store tank
  8. M

    here are some of my

    awwwwww cute cute cute..
  9. M

    My Pets

  10. M

    My Pets

    awwww thanks mistletoe is now qualified!!!...i would have never have expect it..:)
  11. M

    My Pets

    awwww thanks pointy kitty *blushes*
  12. M

    My Pets

    awwwwww thanks....all he needs is one more nomination now....:)
  13. M

    My Pets

    last up is my dog Phoenix....who i totally love and adore!. He is a 5 month old Border Terrier puppy that is never quite..hence why i just had to take a photo of him in one of his quite moods!!!!... He is so full of life and everything i ever wanted in a puppy/dog. His name is a little strange...
  14. phoenix.GIF


  15. M

    My Pets

    Third up is my hamster mistletoe...I'm not sure how old she is as i recued her from my workplace. Someone came in with about two weeks to go before xmas last year and said that they no longer wanted her. So of course i could never dream of passing her up, especially as i had an empty cage...
  16. mistletoe.GIF


  17. M

    My Pets

    second up i have Starlite and Eeyore babies.. Starlite again is another purebreed lop, he is Eeyore's father and therefore the babies grandfather...Starlite is now 1 year old. Eeyore's babies, we have 4 two black tans (like eeyore) one silver/grey/fawn and another ginger/white/fawn the last...
  18. starlitr_babies.GIF


  19. M

    My Pets

    Hi are just a few piccies of a few of my animals....i didnt want to hog up all the boards, with all my animals...i just had a 'select' few this month... First up theres Polo and Eeyore bunni...both are purebred lop earred rabbits with polo being slighly younger than eeyore at...
  20. poloandeeyore.GIF


  21. M

    Fish deaths

    Hi, dont know if anybody can help me without posting pictures but here i go... i woke up this morning to find 3 gold sucking loaches dead, one was my big 11cm one which i lost his partner within the last month so i am not too worried about this one...although the other two where babies brought...
  22. M

    Needing some good luck over here

    thanks kitty and everyone else *hugs* we actually have a rabbit burial ground in are front garden, where there is plants, and bunny garden figures..we added mikes plant later on this afternoon... we also breed bunnies, and because we do we've had quite a few young babies that we have...
  23. M

    Needing some good luck over here

    although he survived the operation and we got him home, this morning he was extremely weak in his hutch, and although i brought him in, fed him both his medicine and food with a suringe, he died this afternoon :byebye: :byebye: :rip: Mike Bunny :rip:
  24. M


    at work we had this silver shark that had a major disfigurement in his mouth, it was like it was all sealed up apart from a tiny little 'bubble'.....he was put in the quartine tank and i didnt expect him to live past a day....he was still swimming around quite happly 2 weeks later, until he...
  25. M


    yes it sounds very unlike a lop to be argressive to any one, maybe a little bit moody now and then, but never highly agressive.... lops are the best rabbits in the world...(ok im being slightly biased with owning 7) ok so they can get kinda big, but they are definitly soppy and daft i think...
  26. M

    Trying to breed mollies

    the plantation will definitly help any fry hide, molly babies are masters at hiding... my most recent lot of fry i discovered when i took my filter out for cleaning, the little ones where hiding in the filter case and also in the sponges! i rescued 6 that way!
  27. M

    Need opinions

    my loachs seemed to bury themseleves fine in very fine gravel..hope this is of help :)
  28. M

    My Angels are spawning again!!!!

    congrats! i hope all is going well! :thumbs:
  29. M

    silk or plastic plants to mix with live ones?

    ive tried the mix of both plastic and live for a short time in my tank and all seemed to go well together....they looked ok, and the live ones actually lived for sometime... i had to stop on the live though, because i was getting over run with snails, although my goldfish still have the...
  30. M

    Needing some good luck over here

    ive just come back from the vets and the operation now has got even more serious....not only has poor mike got to have his front teeth taken out, but he has also got to have the spurs on his back teeth filed down... that would explain that for about a month now he has been slowing down...
  31. M

    What I see when I go to bed

    i wish my cat and my doggie would get on like that, they cant even be in the same back garden as each other without the kittie getting her claws out and the dog barking at her because everytime she moves he thinks she's playing :(
  32. M

    he just DIED..

    i just lost my sparky, he was such a cool little dude...i dont know what killed him...i just recently added some females to my tank as his colouring was looking a little dull... i was quite upset :-( because i had nursed him through fin nipping and fin rot :(
  33. M

    Hi everyone I need your support

    your animal list sounds just as long as mine lol....:)
  34. M

    Needing some good luck over here

    well there is a chance that his teeth my grow back if part of the root is left in after the operation, but if everything is taken out, hopefully no teeth will ever grow back again.... he should as ive been told be able to carry on eating his normal pellet food, as they also have their back...
  35. M

    every time i turn on the lights...

    wow i must say you learn something new every day! :)
  36. M

    Trying to breed mollies

    normally the first sign that a female is pregnant is that she appears alot fatter than maybe her other female tank mates... another good way, is if you do watch your fish quite often watch your male, you will no doubt catch him in the act sooner or later...he will basically sneakly go right up...
  37. M

    Is this normal Molly behavior?

    sounds normal too me, my mollies are always the first up in the tank when it comes to feeding time, and when ive put all the food in inlcuding the catfish pellet, they are always trying to eat that as well and 9/10 will spit it back out
  38. M

    Rock selling is it worth it?

    i know in the shop where i work, different rock is weighed out in different prices, we tend to weigh it either by the kilo or by the 100grams..... slate is always the cheapest though and definitly the most popular as people buy it to make caves and ledges..... the wood that we sell is...
  39. M

    Featherfin Catfish

    wow now that is big, roughly how big is he adcs?!... thanks for all your info gixer....when i brought my two i was told they may get agressive to each other once they grew, and up until now havent really had too much of a problem...they just tend to squabble over the mini cave ive built them...
  40. M

    Needing some good luck over here

    Tomorrow one of my bunnies has got to go in for a serious operation, and although i trust the vets 100% (they have already operated on another one of my bunnies) i cant help but feel a little nerves, especially as this one is going to be a bit more diffulcult for them.... My Mike who is a lop...