My Angels are spawning again!!!!

Couple of things I've learned about Angel spawning.

One is they get better as they grow older. Two is after 3 days of free swimming, the fry need to go to their own tank or the parents will begin to suck them up but not spit them out anymore.
Hi everyone!!!

Well, they indeed spawned! She layed the eggs and he fertilized and he is instantaneously being a big BUTT HEAD now!! It's amazing how sweet the male can be and then after the spawning takes place he turns into the devil!! :devil:

I do have a 10 gallon tank that isn't cycled......guess I should get it up and running soon for the babies! :nod: But I would like to leave the babies in there and see if the parents can't raise them to dime size themselves :/
If it doesn't work out this time, meaning the parents eat their babies, I may try it again this way or do as you say.....get them the HECK out of there!!!! :lol:

What are your thoughts!!
see if you angel will be good parents this time :)

if it dosn't work put them in the 10 gal next time!

Good luck with them :nod:
I'd also give them one more shot at raising them. I think it would be an incredible experience to observe.

Thanks guys!

Some eggs seem to be missing this morning. Maybe they turned white and she ate them :dunno: :X < wishfull thinking, eh? :lol:
I don't see that she moved them onto a plant or anything so time will tell!

They are in their very own 20 gallon breeding tank right now so that should help. I also have paper over the glass except some areas for light plus I don't want them to be completely blocked off from movement outside the tank because when I go and take the paper off they'll be all "freaked out"! :unsure:

Niether one of my pair has long fins so the 20 gallon suits them fine. They were in my 55 for 18 months and I got them as juveniles, not babies, so I figure if there fins aren't super long by now maybe they just won't ever be!! :/
Eeeehhhhhh, :crazy: More are disappearing as we type!!!

What in the heck are those little hoggies problems!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
Where's the pig smiley when you need one!! -_- :lol:

Thanks for your words guys!!!

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