Needing some good luck over here


Fish Fanatic
Apr 20, 2004
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Tomorrow one of my bunnies has got to go in for a serious operation, and although i trust the vets 100% (they have already operated on another one of my bunnies) i cant help but feel a little nerves, especially as this one is going to be a bit more diffulcult for them....
My Mike who is a lop earred has completely unalined front teeth, we were orginally told that basic clipping once a month would sort out the problem, but due to the fact that his teeth are growing quicker than being clipped, there is no other choice but to have all four removed.....

so any luck would be warmling welcomed for tomorrow :)
i've never heard of it being that bad before :huh:
good luck with the operation :thumbs:
i'm sure if you are confident with your vet he'll be fine :nod:

so do the teeth grow back? :dunno:
or does he need to eat mush the rest of his life :lol:
well there is a chance that his teeth my grow back if part of the root is left in after the operation, but if everything is taken out, hopefully no teeth will ever grow back again....
he should as ive been told be able to carry on eating his normal pellet food, as they also have their back teeth to crush it all down...the only problem he may have is with grooming himself, but being a short haired rabbit this wont pause much of a problem :D

many thanks for all the luck
ive just come back from the vets and the operation now has got even more serious....not only has poor mike got to have his front teeth taken out, but he has also got to have the spurs on his back teeth filed down...
that would explain that for about a month now he has been slowing down considerably on his eating, i just thought though everytime it was his front teeth :byebye:
Pooer little bunny it breaks my heart to hear sad stories over animals, I sure hope he can do ok with the way he is going to be.
although he survived the operation and we got him home, this morning he was extremely weak in his hutch, and although i brought him in, fed him both his medicine and food with a suringe, he died this afternoon :byebye: :byebye:
:rip: Mike Bunny :rip:
i'm sorry maskedrainbow, i know how it feels, i've had several bunnies and some have died, a couple from old age and one from sickness. at one point its time for each to go, but that doesn't make it hurt any less :byebye:
i'm so sorry about mike :/
i'm sure he lived a happy little life with you
now you have a gardian bunny watching over you :thumbs:
in bunny heaven with perfect teeth and the perfect little bunny girlfriend with perfect little bunny babies :D
i hope good luck comes your way :)
just think,
these things happened for a reason
maybe if he died now, his memories of you would be of a wonderful life,
but if he would have lived,
he might of had to live with even more medical problems
at least his suffering is over :-(

:rip: ~mike~ :rip:
thanks kitty and everyone else *hugs*

we actually have a rabbit burial ground in are front garden, where there is plants, and bunny garden figures..we added mikes plant later on this afternoon...

we also breed bunnies, and because we do we've had quite a few young babies that we have unfortuatly lost, my mum came up with the idea of the burial memorial for thouse that we lost, she said that mike is now looking after all the babies we lost :byebye:

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