he just DIED..


Fish Crazy
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

my betta just DIED. literally 7 minutes ago. i have no idea why either. he's been kinda apathetic the past few days, but i thought that was due to his chewed up tail i was giving him medicine for. however, about 6 minutes ago he started racing around his bowl, and at first i thought he was being silly like my other betta, and just swimming. however, i watched him more closely, and it seemed more like, um, SPASMING?? than swimming. then he sunk to the bottom and it was like he was trying to come up for air, but could get only an inch above the bottom, then take a face dive and hit the bottom of his bowl. i ran into the bathroom and filled up a small container with spring water, then scooped him out (yes scooped, i was as gentle as i could be but i was trying to hurry), because i thought maybe it would be easier for him to get to the surface if he was in less water... he wouldn't come up.... :-( so i took the plastic spoon i'd been using to scoop uneaten food off the surface of his water, and lifted him up on it a bit til his mouth stuck out of the water, trying to help him, but he didn't open his mouth for air.... tried this several times, nothing. then he finally just died. i have no idea why, or how it happened. :-( has anyone else ever heard of this, or had it happen to them? i dunno what to do :-(
upon closer inspection of him, it looks like his belly is swelled. :/ the scales in that area are also a white-ish color, which really stands out from his pretty dark blue :-( i don't know what that means, either :(

Sorry,eja :/ Sounds horrible and I'm sorry you had to see it. Perhaps the meds were too much for him. Did he eat freeze dried foods?
Could have been dropsy. Swollen belly and scales uplifted...
I don't believe I read that the scales were uplifted anywhere :) , dropsy would have been more dramatic anyway,not so quick. I ask about the freeze dried foods because they carry parasites and bacteria and in addition to that,they bind up the digestive tract. That was my first thought when I heard the belly was swollen and white.
wuvmybetta said:
I don't believe I read that the scales were uplifted anywhere :) , dropsy would have been more dramatic anyway,not so quick. I ask about the freeze dried foods because they carry parasites and bacteria and in addition to that,they bind up the digestive tract. That was my first thought when I heard the belly was swollen and white.
I remembered that my Rhedt has a whit color to his underbelly scales, but upon closer inspection it looked as though his scales had been rubbed backward exposed the white flesh of his swollen underbelly. It took him 3 days to die though.

So, this one may not have dropsy but those are the signs my 3 1/2 year old Rhedt had before he died.

yeah, that was him :-( i gave him freeze dried food (bloodworms) one time, about 4 days ago. it was the first and only time. i haven't had him for long at all... i did give him MelaFix last night, to help with his tail. it was only a few drops, since his bowl was a one gallon. i'll have to look at him again and see how the scales look. :(
hmmm.. -_-

I'm guilty of that too. I've brought home bettas who were knocking on death's door just because I feel sorry for them :/ I'm sorry,again. Don't get discouraged, try again and this time get a healthy betta (and stay away from freeze dried foods,chunk em!)
i just lost my sparky, he was such a cool little dude...i dont know what killed him...i just recently added some females to my tank as his colouring was looking a little dull...
i was quite upset :-( because i had nursed him through fin nipping and fin rot :(
i feed my betta freezed dried bloodworms and they seem to be doing alright... :unsure: just a note, i only feed them bloodworms once a day though. I guess all bettas are different

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