Hi everyone I need your support

I don't want to make anyone mad or anything I jst thought it would be a nice addition to the forum which it doesn't look like we are going to get anyway. Come on William whats it going be I have checked this forum everyday waiting for a answer. [] Are we going to get this or not I have been at this for a long time I think I deserve a answer. Come on William Whats it going to be YES OR NO???????????????????????????????????????????? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
please let there be potm!!!!!.....although i must say with all of the submissions ill be admitting, ill probably be banned or something for being so pround of all my babies :wub:
we should know something soon about this added contest. I have all kinds of pets birds, cats, guinea pigs, ferrets, chinchilas, dago's ,dogs. And anything else I can get a hold of. I sure you all know I 10 fish tanks going now. 4 55 gallons 1-30 gallon 3-20 gallons and five 10-gallons I lost count that makes 13 in all plus I threw one 20 gallon tank away that I killed all of my mollies in. I couldnt stand to see the tank going without my fish in it that I bought it for. So I took it out of my house it was to upsetting for me
I will let you all know soon if we are going to get this or not. Lets keep our fingers crossed and mabey it will happen. I can't wait to see all of your guys and girls babies. :wub: I keep on thinking everyone would enjoy this part of the forum also I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by asking for this. I well know that this is a fish forum and I would be the last one to want to take anything from the fish, I hope everyone will agree with me in saying that It wont affect the fish in anyway.I think it may do this part of the forum good and keep everyone interested in coming back. :cool: :cool:
I wouldn't worry about it taking anything away from the fish forum. This section is "household pets" after all and if some one is not interested in our other pets I do believe they do not have to look at this section of the forum.
I am not for sure on this yet I am awaiting a answer William told me he would consider this a long time ago I just Hope he will still go the way we all want I am hoping. :cool: :cool: :cool: :thumbs: :wub: I love these little smileys faces :band: :band: :band: :drink: :drink: :clap: :dunno: :dunno:
Yay for POTM!!!!!!!!!! Something I might have a chance at winning, soon as noone ever looks at my fish!! I reckon the 1's saying no are the ones that know there pets don't stand a chance!!! :p :p Come on William we want an answer, PLEASE!!
Thank you all for your interest in having a POTM contest. :clap:

Now that it has become a reality, it's important that you support it by posting your pictures, nominating and seconding pictures, and voting when the poll is put up. :nod:

Please remember that all pictures that were posted May 16 on are eligible for nomination for this months contest, so get nominating.!!!!

I can't wait to see all of your pets! :D
come on everyone Please start posting your pictures So we can get this on the ball. I got almost 50 people who wanted this contest along with me now I want to see the pets. So we will be able to keep this contest going

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