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  1. D

    Coral Of The Week - Euphyllias

    hmm...I thought I posted my pics here this morning! Anyway, here goes again: Torch Coral: Branching Hammer (My sexy shrimp love hiding under it's tentacles!)
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    Coral Of The Week - Zoanthids

    So....many....colours...... :drool:
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    Coral Of The Week - Zoanthids

    I only have a couple of small colonies at the moment:
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Oh yeah! Will do.. :D
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Some pictures: Candy Cane Candy Cane at night Torch Coral Hammer Coral Zoas Green Zoas (Coming back to themselves after sustaining Aiptasia attack!)
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Good plan. My new LFS (which is a bit of a drive away, but has amazing stock) got some lovely Sea Horses in last weekend, beautiful creatures! Got to say though I think the funniest looking fish is the box fish.....I mean, they are like something out of a Pixar film. Very cute.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    I have a few updates. :) I have a new small Torch Coral and some Candy Cane Coral now. Candy Cane is a little bleached so hoping the colour comes back ok (got it for €25 though, with 20 heads on it - so can't really complain). Will try and get some pics up tonight. Really want an upgrade now...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    My tank has progressed a little since then Mark, but thanks! :D
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Hey, Was sick the past few days, so haven't been online. The sexy shrimp all seem to like hanging around the hammer for some reason!
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks Buddy, Where it is hasn't got a strong flow really, they sort of sway gently back and forward. Is that too much?
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Not the best pic, hadn't much time. Will try and get better ones tomorrow...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Great, I'll try that and see how I get on! Took a bit of work to try and position it at first, but I haven't stuck it to anything just in case it doesn't like where it is. But it opened up beautifully yesterday so fingers crossed.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    lol...yeah Stu emailed me during the week when he saw my thread, he was checking that the Zoa's/Rics he sent me were doing ok! That is good customer service! :good: How do I feed the hammer? Just let some shrimp drop onto it's tentacles?
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    New To Nano Reefs, Bought A Boyu Tl450 I Think I Have Errored Already?

    :hi: I have a 450 also, and I really like it (although I want a bigger tank now ;) ) Are you going to mod the tank in anyway? I got a new skimmer, new powerheads and moonlight leds. I think a new skimmer is a must with this, as the stock one is pretty poor. Anyway, looking forward to more...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers Buddy! :D I am a big admirer of your tanks shots, so it means a lot for you to compliment my own. Also, thanks for recommeding the branching hammer as a good LPS for my tank, got one yesterday and absolutely delighted with it. It has two branches, and is a neon green color with blue/grey...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks Seffie! :D I have some more additions to update with photos later this evening hopefully. I got a small branching hammer coral yesterday and two more sexy shrimp. All three sexy shrimp are now hanging out together which is cool looking.
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    488l Mega Nano

    The Wolfe Tones?!?! lol......
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Some new pics! Unfortunately the toadstool didn't make it, tried fragging but to no avail....just rotted away in a matter of a day. :( The GSP's are flying now, and the sexy shrimp seems to have made them it's home! lol Also, have a new addition to the tank...... ;)
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    Reesy's 20 Gallon Reef Adventure

    When I first started I had a hydrometer which told me my SG was 1.026, when I got my refractometer I found out the actual SG was 1.029!!! Ammonia should drop to 0 once the cycle is fully complete. I also have a spreadsheet I use for logging test results....I even have graphs to track any...
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    488l Mega Nano

    I love the idea of the shrimp & goby hang around those holes, because they expect pods etc to come from there. :good: Just shows how a well maintained & thought out tank really does create a mini ecosystem, where each organism, from the microscopic to the biggest fish are part of a greater whole.
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    Of Goes All Salty.....

    Hard to see in the pics, but maybe diatoms?
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    16 Year Old Adam's 300 Gallon Display Tank...

    And a good one at that!! :crazy:
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    16 Year Old Adam's 300 Gallon Display Tank...

    Will follow this with much interest!! :D :D
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    488l Mega Nano

    Very nice Buddy! :good: And as always, top notch pics.
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    Algae And Polyps

    Impressive Aiptasia! Although like Buddy said they will need to be removed.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Came home from work yesterday and there was a hole in my toadstool leather! :( :( It was on it's head, and basically looked rotting - and one of the hermits was chowing down on it. It hasn't been doing well since I got it, and I'm wondering if the GSP I got waged a bit of chemical warfare...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Funny enough I was looking at those at the weekend! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    lol...yeah, monday morning + sums isn't a good combo!! Do you just add them up? If so, that is 1900 LPH in display area, but if I take into account that the LPH is usually lower than advertised + I have reduced the flow from the return pump slightly I will lower that figure to 1500 LPH. My tank...
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    What A Difference 20 Days Makes

    Wow, those blue knuckles are great looking!
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers Buddy, SG is currently 1.026. I forgot to mention that I have the return powerhead attached to my spray bar which is adding a good bit of flow in display area and also surface turbulence. The problem is that if I move the return PH out of the 4th chamber & into display, it will cause the...
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    488l Mega Nano

    Best. Photos. Ever :drool: :drool: :drool: What a stunning fish Buddy, you must be well pleased!
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    The GSP's are starting to come out of sulk mode now, about 1/3 of them opened yesterday. However the sarcophyton is sulking really badly, I'm starting to worry that it could be in trouble. It is deflated and leaning over to one side.....I know these guys can really sulk, but hopefully that is...
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    Kane's Nano............

    Looking as great as ever! Such an "alive" looking tank..... :D
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    What A Difference 20 Days Makes

    Looking really great now! :good: Just reward for all the hard work...
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    Can You Help Me Please.....

    That's a Metal Halide light isn't it?
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Forgot to mention, the guy in the LFS gave me the Sexy Shrimp for nothing, and that was before I even said I wanted to buy the corals. This is the 3rd time he has given me something for free (already gave me 3 snails & an orange claw hermit). It is one of those LFS were they don't really know...
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    Look At This Tang *drools Over Keyboard*

    Simply stunning......not surprised it sold so fast. Althought it is reasonably priced, if I said to my girlfriend I wanted to buy a fish for 200 quid I don't want to imagine what she would say to me! lol
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    Sea Urchin Advice Please!

    I'd like to 2nd the journal motion! :D
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    Coral Of The Week - Euphyllias

    Very interesting Tina! Let's see what happens now... ;)