What A Difference 20 Days Makes


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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i dont mind admitting how scared i was when i went to view the tank in its previous home :blush: it was a mess, and i could tell that from having seen so many pictures of your tanks...
i wasnt even sure if i could "do" it..and i know for a fact that i couldn`t have without all of your help ( especially tigerissy and Buddy via pm) i have asked what i thought were the silliest questions and Tina and buddy you have always replied with excellent advice,so thankyou ever so much :flowers:
of course i still have a way to go, but my tests are looking great and after a swap over of tanks so is the setup (imo) there is tonnes for me to learn and now that i have sorted the "mess" im a lot more enthusiastic about it, fels like mine now.and not like im just baby sitting it. :)
this was the tank a few hours after getting it home ( didnt even know what was in there)

the next day( or maybe a couple later i cant rem) after being advsed to scrape the coraline away

this is it when i got up this morning, and im very pleased how it looks,( and the fact that all the fish are ok of course)

its been quite hard work and the co-codamol ( have back problems) have taken a bashing.. but i hope im right in thinking th physicaly hard stuff is all but done now :D
i am open to any advice as you know, and i know that some of the equipment needs upgrading, but i really wanted to correct and understand the water quality before i did that - still havent learned the purpose/mechanics of a skimmer so wouldnt have been much point in me going shopping for a new one just yet :rolleyes:

again thankyou all so much for being so paitent with me, i really really appreciate it and so do the fish :)

shelagh xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow....what a transformation!!!!

Tank is looking 110% better....here's wishing you continued success on 'the Salty side'

Lisa x
Looking good its a very step learning curve with highs and lows but IMHO a very rewarding hobby.

I still feel like a mad scientist doing all the water tests :)
Tank is really looking well shelagh and, as before ,feel free to ask anything at any time and we'll all try our best to sort things out for you
Good time now to add some clean up crew to keep it looking so well..a few algae eating snails, a few hermits and even an emerald crab..these can be added in stages as you go and will help you to keep any algae or waste foods polished up
thanks :)
i actually added 3 hermits (as in pic) how many more could i get in there? also have 2 turbo snails ( i think it was 2 could be 3) what are the best type of hermits to go for i read that blue claw? could be good for the grass that left?
pic of one of the hermits as im not sure what type he is

also i take it that coraline isnt a bad thing to have in the tank? but to what point? would it be ok to let it grow over the back of the tank.. mind i actually quite like it without, but does it hold any beneifits?
thanks in advance
shelagh xxxx
Those are scarlet hermits..a very industreous small species..would be wary of adding blue legs with these, though many get off with it , as they commonly kill off the calmer scarlets over time....
Try blue knuckles for your algae..1 would be enough as these guys grow quite large but are stunning....


Always add a few empty shells to the tank to allow them to choose new homes and to grow..this will stop them fighting and killing each other, and your snails, to obtain their shells for themselves

Don't let any lfs talk you into the 1 hermit per gallon rule..this only asks for trouble and they will happily kill each other off at these levels..one blue knuckle and even a halloween on top of what you have will easily do your job...

Snail wise a few trochus, beautiful coloured creatures, especially the black footed, will add to your turbos..ps these turbos grow quite large and again overstocking is recomended and don't fall into this trap.
Add about 4 or 5 nassarius or ceriths as well to keep your sand bed clean , or alternatively you could go for 1 conch..see AK77's thread..these guys are really comical and great characters..

Also asstd shrimp, such as bloods ,cleaners, peppermints can be addded at some stage and help to give that natural reef look...

Coralline is fine on the back wall and in controlled amounts over your rocks..too much on your rock however will choke the rock, stopping it's porous ability and restricting it ability to filter your system..regular small water changes will give sufficient calcium, magnesium and strontium to allow this algae to grow and spread....if it takes over your rock you can add a small urchin, like a blue tuxedo, or introduce asterina starfish to keep it grazed back.
The Fighting conch i added to my tank was an excellent addtion always munching away and imo more of a character :) I will be adding another one to my new setup
So glad you got it sorted and that we could help Shelagh. No problms, any time you need help just shout.

Not stupid or daft questions at all, they would have been that if you had not asked them.

Its looking really good. Don't forget those extra shells for the hermits though, Mine killed Cerith snails as well as me adding some cerith snail shells.

Cerith snails are good, they will live in the snad bed, but will eat algae too. Depends what you go for, Chris at Fishmans frags, that Bud recommended, is a fantastic bloke. Will be visiting his set up next month myself.
Wow great job Shelag :good:

Just remember that hermits have the potential to decimate micro fauna if added in to large of numbers. I only added 3 to my 29 us gallon tank and that's all I'm ever going to have too.

A skimmer removes organics from the water preventing them from completeing the cycle (adding to your nitrates).

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