Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

Was sick the past few days, so haven't been online. The sexy shrimp all seem to like hanging around the hammer for some reason!
hi im new to marine i wouldnt put any more live rock in yet till you get ammonia and nitrite down to 0 id problay give it a couple of weeks ar 0 before putting anything else in :blink: []I'm new to the forum, and new to marine aquariums! I got a TL450 from my brother and thought I would post my progress here as I have enjoyed readings other peoples experiences!

Basically I have had the tank running now for 5 days with about 5kg of live rock and live sand. I have some hitchhikers: so far 2 x turbo snails, 1 x Bumblebee snail 2(so far) x some sort of bristleworms and a crab of some sort I have failed to identify. It is about 1cm across, cream colored with red/brown blotches, hairy legs and blunt claws. Haven't decided what to do with him yet though!

My readings so far over the past 5 days are:
Nitrate: 0, 5, 5, 5, 5
Nitrite: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
pH: 8.4, 8.2, 8.6, 8.6, 8.6 (last 3 days readings from late evening, maybe that is why they are higher?)
Alkalinity (meq/L): - , -, 2.8, -, 3.4
Ammonia (Toxic ppm): 0, 0.022, 0, 0, 0.04
Specific Gravity: 1.023, 1.023, 1.023, 1.024, 1.023
Temp: 26c every day

I am a bit concerned about the ammonia. I haven't see my bumblebee in a while and I wonder if the little fella died and that is why the ammonia is a bit up.
Will be doing first water change in a few days so maybe that will help.

Planning on getting another 2kg of live rock and adding maybe two hermit crabs and another 2 snails to CUC. Then thinking of a pair of clowns when things settle right down. Also might add 1 or two soft corals in the future.

What do you think?


PS: Will add some pics when my switchover to a new ISP is complete (right now stuck with no broadband and posting this via my iPhone)
hi im new to marine i wouldnt put any more live rock in yet till you get ammonia and nitrite down to 0 id problay give it a couple of weeks ar 0 before putting anything else in :blink:

My tank has progressed a little since then Mark, but thanks! :D
Any news or new photos :)

Just set my orca 450 up again over the weekend as well.
Any news or new photos :)

Just set my orca 450 up again over the weekend as well.

I have a few updates. :)
I have a new small Torch Coral and some Candy Cane Coral now. Candy Cane is a little bleached so hoping the colour comes back ok (got it for €25 though, with 20 heads on it - so can't really complain). Will try and get some pics up tonight.
Really want an upgrade now though, but have to wait unfortunately. I person near me was selling a Rio 450 (which he used for marine), Deltec Skimmer (not sure the model), Good lighting (again can't remember specifics), a 50GPD RO Unit, Cabinet and Powerheads for €750...........hopefully I can find something similar next year!!

What are your plans for the 450?
We are planning on a pair of H. kuda seahorses and the blue coral goby that is in my main tank at the moment (if I can ever catch him).

Going to have a few soft corals near the top of the tank and have macro algae around the bottom for the seahorses.
We are planning on a pair of H. kuda seahorses and the blue coral goby that is in my main tank at the moment (if I can ever catch him).

Going to have a few soft corals near the top of the tank and have macro algae around the bottom for the seahorses.

Good plan. My new LFS (which is a bit of a drive away, but has amazing stock) got some lovely Sea Horses in last weekend, beautiful creatures!

Got to say though I think the funniest looking fish is the box fish.....I mean, they are like something out of a Pixar film. Very cute.
Some pictures:
Candy Cane

Candy Cane at night

Torch Coral


Hammer Coral



Green Zoas (Coming back to themselves after sustaining Aiptasia attack!)
Cracking photos as always Dave :good: would you add your corals to the coral of the week threads, pretty pleeeese

Seffie x

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