Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

Lovely photos Dave, thanks for sharing

Seffie x

Thanks Seffie! :D

I have some more additions to update with photos later this evening hopefully. I got a small branching hammer coral yesterday and two more sexy shrimp. All three sexy shrimp are now hanging out together which is cool looking.
Cheers Buddy! :D
I am a big admirer of your tanks shots, so it means a lot for you to compliment my own.

Also, thanks for recommeding the branching hammer as a good LPS for my tank, got one yesterday and absolutely delighted with it. It has two branches, and is a neon green color with blue/grey tips. It settled in really quickly yesterday and was fully expanded in a few hours. Looks great!

Also got some mysis shrimp to feed the goby, and the rics. It is amazing now when I go to feed the bigger ric it starts moving and contorting it's body into a sort of V shape before I even start dropping the shrimp onto it's mouth. It has grown a LOT since getting it also.
See stu popping in here these days so he'll be glad to read the rics are doing well...
Thanx about the pics as well mate..most of them are pure luck if honest...
The brancher will do well for you and should start to develop more heads in a few months..pop it some mysis occasionally and it will thrive
See stu popping in here these days so he'll be glad to read the rics are doing well...
Thanx about the pics as well mate..most of them are pure luck if honest...
The brancher will do well for you and should start to develop more heads in a few months..pop it some mysis occasionally and it will thrive

lol...yeah Stu emailed me during the week when he saw my thread, he was checking that the Zoa's/Rics he sent me were doing ok! That is good customer service! :good:

How do I feed the hammer? Just let some shrimp drop onto it's tentacles?
Squirt a little over it and if it's hungry they will stick to it's tentacles and it'll pull them in..can even gently squirt ome directly into it's oral disc if you want

Yep stu's a sound guy and I only wish I had more space to get a few more from him, would and do recomend him to anyone interested in rics and zoas that aren't so common...not even on commision here either,lol....
Great, I'll try that and see how I get on!
Took a bit of work to try and position it at first, but I haven't stuck it to anything just in case it doesn't like where it is. But it opened up beautifully yesterday so fingers crossed.
Not the best pic, hadn't much time. Will try and get better ones tomorrow...

Thanks Buddy,
Where it is hasn't got a strong flow really, they sort of sway gently back and forward. Is that too much?

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