Of Goes All Salty.....

Hes going to put them in once the rock has been put in, and I will be testing the water regulary, if the readings get bad I will take them out for a while. I would put them in mine temp~ but they would be a pain catching, the damsel would get nasty and my other clownfish is not ment to be kept with other clowns so there would be war there so its a no win situation. I have told him lots of times though that the Damsel needs to go! I think he is coming round to the fact now that the reason they are so cheap is because they are nasty little blighters.

Just set up a container with (the plastic box would be fine) heat, powerhead and salty water (put a piece of lr in as well for him to hide - a ready made tank, put the clown in and take the damsel to the lfs for them to keep

Seffie x
He is floating the fish as we speak. There is far more than 25kgs there. Lots of the hair algea though, im guessing a emerald crab will sort this out? There are TONS of zoas and other corals. Really got our moneys worth. He will upload photos later. And im also going to put the tank in position tonight, and start researching on a sump.

The 2 tubs of live rock out the setup we bought

Close up of some of the rock,will an Emerald crab get rid of the algae on the rocks ????

The scaping begins :)

Completed scaping,any comments? We are taking the fiji dlue damsel to the lfs as i type hes being caught :)

Im open to comments,but i do want rid of a big percentage of the hair algae?? Any ideas please.

OF :good:
Watch out for those palythoa on the rock in pic two..wear latex gloves if working with those little guys in particular...just seen the damsel a well..that little guy will be fine..NOT A NASTY
Nice amount of rock in there and looks really well ...good job
Hi all,ok..............
1st thing is all my corals etc seem to be flourishing.Theyve been in one day on the live rock i bought and there looking so healthy and have increased in size,which is good yeh??
2nd all the hair algae seems to be going brown and doesnt look as healthy as it did yesterday,is that good too?? is that dying :)
I bought 2 emerald crabs yesterday to help eat it and bought a Sea Hare this afternoon as i was told there the best at getting rid of it.

OF :good:
Just to let everyone know, I tested his water Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and there all good. I suppose its because they were kept fully underwater apart from moving from the tub to my dads tank. Lucky him!

Helpppppppppppppppppppp!!! whats this please :angry: it looked like the algae was dying yesterday but im unsure today the brown stuff seems to be going everywhere even on a new mushroom i bought????




Yeah mate..diatoms..these may cover the entire tank for a few days but will simply die off in a while..nowt to worry about

the more you try to remove them..the more they will return..several snails and hermits will eat these...they feed off silicates in the system..once these are exhausted the diatoms will die back
cheers buddy,and what of the hair algae i want rid of it all :) i have also introduced a Sea Hare thanks

OF :good:

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