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  1. J

    Tetra Serpa With A White Eye

    My parents seem to think he just got attacked in the eye. I think its either a bacterial or fungus thing (what would parasites look like) Tap nitrate is like 1 or something but I'm using well water which is 0. No live plants Tank ha been set up for about two months Take looks like a little...
  2. J

    Tetra Serpa With A White Eye

    I got to do water stats haven't done them in 17 days but they were all 0 back then and that was day before I added fish. I know thats no help just saying. I won't be home till tomorrow to be able to do them
  3. J

    Tetra Serpa With A White Eye

    It is only on this one fish that I have notices I feed them every Monday Wednesday morning flake foods and then Friday and Sunday they get a cube of froze food.
  4. J

    Tetra Serpa With A White Eye

    I have had the serpa for about a week or two maybe even longer and this morning I noticed that one of them has a white eye. Could it be blind or is there something else wrong? The other eye is black and I don't notice anything else wrong with any of my other fish
  5. J

    Dieing Fish

    Nope everything seems to be fine for now.
  6. J

    Dieing Fish

    Whats septicemia? The bruising was beneath the skin I have only seen white stringy poo once or twice so hopefully its constipation and not the other two.
  7. J

    Dieing Fish

  8. J

    Dieing Fish

    my tank is a 75 gallon tank and I'm not sure the name
  9. J

    Dieing Fish

    I have had my tank set up for almost 2 months now. About 2 weeks ago I added 4 tetra serpa 1 khuli loach and 2 cory cats. In the past week I have found 1 cory cat, the khuli loach and 1 tetra serpa dead (I'm still missing 1 also by the way.) I just did a water test and my ammonia was 0...
  10. J

    Ahhh Snails

    Well here is what my tank is looking like right now. 5 tetra serpa 3 black skirt tetra 3 red eye tetra 3 dalmation mollies 4 cory cats 1 pleco Its a 75 gallon tank so I'm not sure if I would have room to get 5 clown loaches (not because I'm getting to my limits) but all in all I was hoping...
  11. J

    Ahhh Snails

    Sorry about that Dawn and thanks for putting them together
  12. J

    Ahhh Snails

    I'm feeding every other day but I bet my parents are sneaking food when I'm gone because they think I'm under feeding
  13. J

    Ahhh Snails

    Well I took the first 3 out so who knows if there is anymore
  14. J

    Ahhh Snails

    Well I want to get rid of them if they will be a problem but if not I'm not to worried but I thought that snails reproduce a lot?
  15. J

    Ahhh Snails

    So I saw a thread a few minutes ago about how you can get fish to eat snails. Can yall give me a list of freshwater fish that will eat snails The story behind my snails: I woke up this morning and decided that my floating grass was getting pretty thick so I broke some of it up moved it to...
  16. J

    Ahhh Snails

    So I wake up this morning and notice that my floating grass is getting pretty thick so I decided to take some out and move some of it to the other side. Thats when I notice 1 snail hanging onto the grass then I noticed another 2 on the glass. I haven't added anything new to the tank expect for...
  17. J

    Red Poo

    Yep thats the color it looks is the redish color of flake food
  18. J

    Red Poo

    I know I have heard someone discuss this before but I can't find it anywhere. I was looking at my fish in my 10 gallon tank (2 males and 2 females salfin mollies) 1 female and 1 male both look to have redish poo is there something wrong with that?
  19. J

    Coolie Loach Died :(

    ok so I was a little wrong with my results but I was just now able to look at them On Sunday at 10 am when I did the test they were PH 8.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite .25 Nitrate 10 Just now when I did the test so Friday at 2:20 Ph 8.2 Ammonia .25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 So nothing to worry about...
  20. J

    Coolie Loach Died :(

    Any idea why my ph could be so high though? I got it tested at the place I volunteer where they have the thing you stick in and it gives a digital reading and it was 8.14 to be exact just with the test kit it looks like 8.2 Also that tank is cool but the thing that I like about my tank is that...
  21. J

    Coolie Loach Died :(

    Its 75 us gallon I don't remember the exact measurements but I know that its 4 ft long and like 21" tall and i dont remember how wide here is the link to the forum that has pictures of my tank the tank looks the same but of course more fish
  22. J

    Coolie Loach Died :(

    I know that fish die but the reason I asked was because I didn't know if it was something I did. I think that it was a cool looking guy and I wanted to get more but if its something in my tank that causes them to die I didn't want to get them you know what I mean? Also in my tank right now is...
  23. J

    Coolie Loach Died :(

    The tank water should stay within the range of 6.0 to 7.5 pH, and water hardness of between 2 to 10 dH. Monitor these water conditions with the aquarium test kits on a regular basis. How do you test the water hardness? Provide your coolie loaches with at least two fellow coolie loaches--at a...
  24. J

    Coolie Loach Died :(

    I haven't done a water test since Sunday so I can't tell you what the water is testing as of today but here is the story of him. I added him along with 4 tetra serpas and 2 cory cats last friday. Then I tested the water on Sunday and here is the results PH 8.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 5...
  25. J

    Adding Fish

    Incase your wondering about my filtation I got an Empror 400 and have an undergrave filter with 4 small powerheads
  26. J

    Adding Fish

    Yea thats it coolie....... all the fish seem good this morning
  27. J

    Adding Fish

    I added 4 tetra serpa 2 cory cats 1 loach (forget the name but its like a snake)
  28. J

    Adding Fish

    The first say I added fish was July 3 but that last time that I had added any way Jully 22 and that was 4 fish. I'm thinking about getting 2 black skirts 2 red eye 4 serpa (hoping that will calm the mean guy down) 1 cory cat
  29. J

    Adding Fish

    Its 75 us gallon.... I left out the tetra serpa whoops but thats because he killed off the other 2 I had :( So my tank is actually: 1 pleco 1 tetra serpa 3 tetra black skirts 3 black eye tetra 3 dalmation mollies 2 cory cats I think I should only add about 8 fish max though right?
  30. J

    Adding Fish

    Sorry I haven't been around in a while I have been super busy with work volunteering and getting ready for school starting next week. One of my bulbs on my tank is about to go out it looks like a zebra/cow its white but with black dots all over it. So since I'm going to be at the fish store I...
  31. J

    Molly Fry

    I had two females pop in the past 3 days and it was all in the same 10 gallon tank (then I had a dalmation molly pop in my big 75 gallon tank but I only see about 2 babies still in that tank) But in the 10 gallon tank I was able to count 17 swimming around the mommas and pap pas (2 f and 2 m)...
  32. J

    Molly Fry

    I got 17 babies now maybe more yay
  33. J

    Molly Fry

    This is my quarantine tank and these mollies I got from the wild so I had them in here. It is a 10 gallon tank and I only have 2 males and 2 females (was hoping to move them to the big tank soon but both of the females were prego 1 still is. Now I see the males chasing her around so she might be...
  34. J

    Molly Fry

    one of my salfin mollies had babies sometime yesterday or over night because i saw them this morning during feeding time. i only see 3 and only one of them are in the grass the other 2 are just a swimmin around. is there any chance of survival heres the problem. one mollie had babies so i could...
  35. J

    Who Is Nipping Fins?

    well the first one to be nipped was the serpa but now over the 3 weeks 2 of the black skirts have been nipped and luckily everything has been ok. Thanks for the info Also what fish would you suggest to put with the tetras then? I guess I'll give it a shot and buy like 5 tetra serpa (so I don't...
  36. J

    Who Is Nipping Fins?

    Originally my plan was to increase all of the tetras to at least 6 and then the mollies to around 8 or so but when the serpa killed the others I figured I couldn't do that. You don't think if I add more serpa he's going to try and kill them too? Also should I add some stress coat to the water...
  37. J

    Who Is Nipping Fins?

    Sorry I have 3 red eye tetras I accidentally said them twice. The problem with the tetra serpa he killed the other two that I started him off with so I figured I couldn't get anymore and if he is still being a bully I guess I'm going to have to bring him back. But here is the correct tank...
  38. J

    Who Is Nipping Fins?

    Who is doing my fin nipping? I noticed a different black skirt tetra has a nipped fin now (the other one is about 99% healed) I have 3 black skirt tetra, 1 tetra serpa, 3 red eye tetra, 2 cory cats, 1 pleco, 3 red eye tetra. I don't think its fin rot or anything like that because like I...
  39. J

    Tank Update

    Who is doing my fin nipping? I noticed a different black skirt tetra has a nipped fin now (the other one is about 99% healed) I have 3 black skirt tetra, 1 tetra serpa, 3 red eye tetra, 2 cory cats, 1 pleco, 3 red eye tetra.
  40. J

    Tank Update

    I have always been testing my water every other day for the past 20 days but since my 75 gallon tank hasn't changed any results since the 21st thats why I decided to go to once a week on that. Now with my 10 gallon I'm testing that every other day too. Also I'm not sure if you were one around...