Adding Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2009
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Sorry I haven't been around in a while I have been super busy with work volunteering and getting ready for school starting next week.

One of my bulbs on my tank is about to go out it looks like a zebra/cow its white but with black dots all over it. So since I'm going to be at the fish store I figured I would go ahead and get some more fish since it has been so long since I added any and all my levels are at 0.

Right now I have
1 pleco
2 cat fish
3 dalmation mollies
3 red eye tetra
3 black skirt tetra

What should I add and how many thanks
good grief

how did you get your ph to 0 :)

it realy depends... how big the tank is

imo plecos make more mess than they clean.. and if you were thinking of a common ... try a 6 ft tank
I would get 3 more of each type of tetra, that is if your tank can handle them. What size IS your tank in the first place.
I would get 3 more of each type of tetra, that is if your tank can handle them. What size IS your tank in the first place.

Its 75 us gallon.... I left out the tetra serpa whoops but thats because he killed off the other 2 I had :(

So my tank is actually:

1 pleco
1 tetra serpa
3 tetra black skirts
3 black eye tetra
3 dalmation mollies
2 cory cats

I think I should only add about 8 fish max though right?
forget the pleco if your talking common

up the cories to 6
take one tetra you like and up the number of them too about 10

3 mollies r fine

if you want a pleco... go for a few bns
I would get 3 more of each type of tetra, that is if your tank can handle them. What size IS your tank in the first place.

Its 75 us gallon.... I left out the tetra serpa whoops but thats because he killed off the other 2 I had :(

So my tank is actually:

1 pleco
1 tetra serpa
3 tetra black skirts
3 black eye tetra
3 dalmation mollies
2 cory cats

I think I should only add about 8 fish max though right?

How long has the tank been established? If it is over 1 year, then you can have a total of 150 inches of fish. At least that is what I read on here.
I would get 3 more of each type of tetra, that is if your tank can handle them. What size IS your tank in the first place.

Its 75 us gallon.... I left out the tetra serpa whoops but thats because he killed off the other 2 I had :(

So my tank is actually:

1 pleco
1 tetra serpa
3 tetra black skirts
3 black eye tetra
3 dalmation mollies
2 cory cats

I think I should only add about 8 fish max though right?

How long has the tank been established? If it is over 1 year, then you can have a total of 150 inches of fish. At least that is what I read on here.

The first say I added fish was July 3 but that last time that I had added any way Jully 22 and that was 4 fish.

I'm thinking about getting

2 black skirts
2 red eye
4 serpa (hoping that will calm the mean guy down)
1 cory cat
I would get 3 more of each type of tetra, that is if your tank can handle them. What size IS your tank in the first place.

Its 75 us gallon.... I left out the tetra serpa whoops but thats because he killed off the other 2 I had :(

So my tank is actually:

1 pleco
1 tetra serpa
3 tetra black skirts
3 black eye tetra
3 dalmation mollies
2 cory cats

I think I should only add about 8 fish max though right?

How long has the tank been established? If it is over 1 year, then you can have a total of 150 inches of fish. At least that is what I read on here.

The first say I added fish was July 3 but that last time that I had added any way Jully 22 and that was 4 fish.

I'm thinking about getting

2 black skirts
2 red eye
4 serpa (hoping that will calm the mean guy down)
1 cory cat

Get about 40-50 inches of fish for now. Then in the next 3-6 months up it to 75 inches of fish. Then next summer, you can have 150 inches of fish, but add the last 75 inches over a period of 3 months just to be safe. Then you will be at maximum stock.
I added

4 tetra serpa
2 cory cats
1 loach (forget the name but its like a snake)
If its black with stipes you bough Coolie Loach. Those are best kept in groups of 6+ but for a tank your size you can get 10-15+ easy. They are very cool fish, I just got some a week or 2 ago and there friendly and active. Groups are indeed best. Same for cory. Up the cory to at least 8 in your tank.

Also if your looking for good fish that can be bought in singles go for a BN Pleco. They remain 4-5 in tops and look awsome.
If its black with stipes you bough Coolie Loach. Those are best kept in groups of 6+ but for a tank your size you can get 10-15+ easy. They are very cool fish, I just got some a week or 2 ago and there friendly and active. Groups are indeed best. Same for cory. Up the cory to at least 8 in your tank.

Also if your looking for good fish that can be bought in singles go for a BN Pleco. They remain 4-5 in tops and look awsome.

Yea thats it coolie....... all the fish seem good this morning
How long has the tank been established? If it is over 1 year, then you can have a total of 150 inches of fish. At least that is what I read on here.

Wooh wait a second there!!!!! You can only add 150" of fish if your filtration is atleast double preferably triple the stated filtration capacity e.g. 75 gallon needs a filter rated for a 150 gallon preferably 250 gallon tank. The filter bacteria between 6-12 months (provided you take it carefully) don't change much that is just stated to make sure you add the fish gradually and not add 10 each weekend for 2 months and then wonder why the bacteria hasn't caught up yet as we have to allow for a wide range of temperatures and water qualities. Secondly the inch per gallon rule is very innaccurate and should be taken only through proper research some fish are very messy such as plecos and goldfish and require double or triple filtration compared to a normal fish e.g. goldfish grow to 14-16" thus should be counted as 42-48" of fish so 45" per adult goldy is acceptable.
How long has the tank been established? If it is over 1 year, then you can have a total of 150 inches of fish. At least that is what I read on here.

Wooh wait a second there!!!!! You can only add 150" of fish if your filtration is atleast double preferably triple the stated filtration capacity e.g. 75 gallon needs a filter rated for a 150 gallon preferably 250 gallon tank. The filter bacteria between 6-12 months (provided you take it carefully) don't change much that is just stated to make sure you add the fish gradually and not add 10 each weekend for 2 months and then wonder why the bacteria hasn't caught up yet as we have to allow for a wide range of temperatures and water qualities. Secondly the inch per gallon rule is very innaccurate and should be taken only through proper research some fish are very messy such as plecos and goldfish and require double or triple filtration compared to a normal fish e.g. goldfish grow to 14-16" thus should be counted as 42-48" of fish so 45" per adult goldy is acceptable.

I would assume that they have atleast 4-10 turnover perhour, because that is what I was told when I suggested to someone to lower them pump. Someone replied and said most people on this forum have at least 7 time turnover.
Turnover doesn't matter much although it is an easy factor for us to tell people whom are relatively new to the hobby we are going into advanced filtration systems and some maths here but its the surface area of the media that matters most. I designed a fluidised bed filter for my DIY project and eventual use (essentially sand suspended by water flow) may make some decent reading for you if you can follow the maths.... Essentially a filter that is relatively very small compared to externals and internals that can filter enough water to actually risk oxygen depletion in the water due to such high processing rates of ammonia.

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