Molly Fry


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2009
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one of my salfin mollies had babies sometime yesterday or over night because i saw them this morning during feeding time. i only see 3 and only one of them are in the grass the other 2 are just a swimmin around. is there any chance of survival heres the problem. one mollie had babies so i could move her to the big tank but my other one us still prego. also i have a dalmation mollie who is prego and nededs to go into that tank soon. i dont have another tank to move the fry to
When I only have mollies in a tank, I experience high fry survival rates. It would be best if only the female that is about to drop is in the tank but if there are no alternatives, provide lots of cover and the fry will use it.
When I only have mollies in a tank, I experience high fry survival rates. It would be best if only the female that is about to drop is in the tank but if there are no alternatives, provide lots of cover and the fry will use it.

This is my quarantine tank and these mollies I got from the wild so I had them in here. It is a 10 gallon tank and I only have 2 males and 2 females (was hoping to move them to the big tank soon but both of the females were prego 1 still is. Now I see the males chasing her around so she might be again soon. I keep looking in there and just changed about 3 gallons of water because the tank needed a water change and I can count about 7 of them so far. Also in the 75 gallon tank on of my dalmation mollies just had babies over night but I can only find 2 in there. I got fry everywhere.
When I only have mollies in a tank, I experience high fry survival rates. It would be best if only the female that is about to drop is in the tank but if there are no alternatives, provide lots of cover and the fry will use it.

This is my quarantine tank and these mollies I got from the wild so I had them in here. It is a 10 gallon tank and I only have 2 males and 2 females (was hoping to move them to the big tank soon but both of the females were prego 1 still is. Now I see the males chasing her around so she might be again soon. I keep looking in there and just changed about 3 gallons of water because the tank needed a water change and I can count about 7 of them so far. Also in the 75 gallon tank on of my dalmation mollies just had babies over night but I can only find 2 in there. I got fry everywhere.

I got 17 babies now maybe more yay
i just had 25 the other day. what the crap am i gonna do with 25 platies??? they are going to quickly outgrow the 5gallon i have them in now and then what? and the momma is still pregnant and will have another drop in a month. *screams*
Welcome to the wonderful world of livebearers. As harsh as it sounds, when I had platties and swordtails I almost willed for the fry to get eaten! It's neat to watch them give birth and all that, but they don't like to do anything in moderation.
I had two females pop in the past 3 days and it was all in the same 10 gallon tank (then I had a dalmation molly pop in my big 75 gallon tank but I only see about 2 babies still in that tank)

But in the 10 gallon tank I was able to count 17 swimming around the mommas and pap pas (2 f and 2 m) Also keeping an eye on the tank lately I have seen the male chasing the females around and trying to remate so who knows what I'm going to get.

How often can females pop

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