Tetra Serpa With A White Eye


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2009
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I have had the serpa for about a week or two maybe even longer and this morning I noticed that one of them has a white eye. Could it be blind or is there something else wrong? The other eye is black and I don't notice anything else wrong with any of my other fish
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the eye look cloudy.
Is the eye bulging out or swollen. Any redness to the eye.

Cloudy eye is as symtom of a desease not a desease in its own right.
Bad water quality.
Poor diet.
Old age.
Size of tank in gallons or litres. 75 us gallon
How many fish and which type. 5 tetra serpa, 3 dalmatation mollies, 3 black skirt tetra, 3 red eye tetra. 5 cory cats, 1 khuli loach, 1 pleco
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the eye look cloudy. Looks a little cloudy yes
Is the eye bulging out or swollen. Any redness to the eye. No bulging or swelling or redness its pretty much pure white

Cloudy eye is as symtom of a desease not a desease in its own right.
Bad water quality.
Poor diet.
Old age.

It is only on this one fish that I have notices I feed them every Monday Wednesday morning flake foods and then Friday and Sunday they get a cube of froze food.
Water stats would help.
So the eye dosn't look cloudy just white film on the eye.
Water stats would help.
So the eye dosn't look cloudy just white film on the eye.

I got to do water stats haven't done them in 17 days but they were all 0 back then and that was day before I added fish. I know thats no help just saying. I won't be home till tomorrow to be able to do them
What your tap nitrate reading. Do you have live plants in the tank.
How long has the tank been set up?

Any improvement to the eye yet.
If no signs of parasites I would add a bacterial med in issolation.
What your tap nitrate reading. Do you have live plants in the tank.
How long has the tank been set up?

Any improvement to the eye yet.
If no signs of parasites I would add a bacterial med in issolation.

My parents seem to think he just got attacked in the eye. I think its either a bacterial or fungus thing (what would parasites look like)

Tap nitrate is like 1 or something but I'm using well water which is 0. No live plants
Tank ha been set up for about two months

Take looks like a little filiment ore than cloudy
Parasites would look like tiny white spots on fish eye or body.
White specs behind the lens of the eye is eye flukes.

I would still issolate and try a bacterial med.

Symptoms:: White or gray material covering the eyes`only.

Treatment: In the process, special attention should be made to assure that ammonia and nitrite levels stay within accepted measures.

Information: Cataracts are fungal growths on the eyes. Treatment with any aquarium fungicide should work. Its probability increases with water rich in ammonia or nitrates.

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