Coolie Loach Died :(


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2009
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I haven't done a water test since Sunday so I can't tell you what the water is testing as of today but here is the story of him.

I added him along with 4 tetra serpas and 2 cory cats last friday. Then I tested the water on Sunday and here is the results

PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5
Temp 76-78 degrees F

My parents saw him yesterday in the front of the tank and swimming around the sides. This morning I was looking for him and found him behind all the plastic plants and my underwater bridge. Pretty much pure white but you still could see a little of his purple and goldish color. I wasn't able to get him out before I left for school but my parents are supposed to be getting it out.

Any ideas on why he could have died?
read along these lines [URL=""][/URL] if anything u think u may have done wrong its probably the case of his/her death

sorry for the lose BTW :rip:

The tank water should stay within the range of 6.0 to 7.5 pH, and water hardness of between 2 to 10 dH. Monitor these water conditions with the aquarium test kits on a regular basis.

How do you test the water hardness?

Provide your coolie loaches with at least two fellow coolie loaches--at a minimum--for company.

Could that really kill him in just a week though?

Those are the only two things that I have questions about with that. Thanks for the link though. Also That was my 3rd fish lost (2 of them were to fighting) but the first two was while the tank was cycleing Sept 3 makes two months the tank has been set up
read along these lines <a href="" target="_blank"></a> if anything u think u may have done wrong its probably the case of his/her death

sorry for the lose BTW :rip:
"House your coolie loach in a 36-gallon aquarium. Clean out the tank if it is newly acquired. See Resources below on how to clean a fish tank."
That is the most riduclous thing I have read about a fishes care in a while.
No way do you need a 36 gallon for kuhli loaches. They occupy almost no room because they are so small, aren't particularly crazy in their swimming and spend most of their time sifting through the sand looking for food.

"Set up the aquarium for your coolie loach. It loves to burrow into the tank's substrate, so it is important to provide fine-grained aquarium gravel or sand. Spread at least three inches of aquarium gravel in the tank."
Kuhli loaches won't bury in most sand because it's too fine and they can't breath in it.

"It has a long, eel-shaped body with no scales, and grows up to 4 inches. It has a yellowish, light-brown body with a salmon-pink ventral surface. Dark-brown bands cross the body vertically, stopping short of the ventral surface."
Not all kuhli loaches have bands, in fact there are 12 different types of kuhli loach.
Also, kuhli loaches have scales, they are just very small.

It's a pretty poor article.

In general if you have stuff for it to hide under and you keep it in a group of 3-4+ (the different types will group together) then it's fine. I feed mine little bottom feeder pellets.

Some fish die, it's an inevitably part of the hobby.

Oh and the PH is really high for pretty much any amazon / asian /congo fish.
If you put some wood in the water it will turn slightly brown but it will reduce the PH. I recommend doing this.
sorry... i just picked out a site quickly so i could give him/her a quick reply :(
Not blaming you :) I do it alot.
Just trying to help.

I know that fish die but the reason I asked was because I didn't know if it was something I did. I think that it was a cool looking guy and I wanted to get more but if its something in my tank that causes them to die I didn't want to get them you know what I mean?

Also in my tank right now is

4 x cory cats
1 pleco
5 tetra serpas
3 black skirt tetra
3 red eye tetra
3 dalmation mollies

I think thats it lol (its a 75 gallon tank)
sorry... i just picked out a site quickly so i could give him/her a quick reply :(
Not blaming you :) I do it alot.
Just trying to help.

I know that fish die but the reason I asked was because I didn't know if it was something I did. I think that it was a cool looking guy and I wanted to get more but if its something in my tank that causes them to die I didn't want to get them you know what I mean?

Also in my tank right now is

4 x cory cats
1 pleco
5 tetra serpas
3 black skirt tetra
3 red eye tetra
3 dalmation mollies

I think thats it lol (its a 75 gallon tank)
Uh, are you sure you don't mean 75 litres? 75 gallons is pretty ###### huge...

Also can't see any problems with that group.
sorry... i just picked out a site quickly so i could give him/her a quick reply :(
Not blaming you :) I do it alot.
Just trying to help.

I know that fish die but the reason I asked was because I didn't know if it was something I did. I think that it was a cool looking guy and I wanted to get more but if its something in my tank that causes them to die I didn't want to get them you know what I mean?

Also in my tank right now is

4 x cory cats
1 pleco
5 tetra serpas
3 black skirt tetra
3 red eye tetra
3 dalmation mollies

I think thats it lol (its a 75 gallon tank)
Uh, are you sure you don't mean 75 litres? 75 gallons is pretty ###### huge...

Also can't see any problems with that group.

Its 75 us gallon I don't remember the exact measurements but I know that its 4 ft long and like 21" tall and i dont remember how wide

here is the link to the forum that has pictures of my tank the tank looks the same but of course more fish

Any idea why my ph could be so high though? I got it tested at the place I volunteer where they have the thing you stick in and it gives a digital reading and it was 8.14 to be exact just with the test kit it looks like 8.2

Also that tank is cool but the thing that I like about my tank is that I can always see all my fish. Im going to keep adding fish but I don't know about adding any more of the loaches.

What I want to finish up with is

8 cory cats
1 pleco
8 tetra serpa
6 black skirt tetra
6 red eye tetra
6 dalmation mollies

but I'm wondering how much that will be pushing the limits of the tank
ok so I was a little wrong with my results but I was just now able to look at them

On Sunday at 10 am when I did the test they were

PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 10

Just now when I did the test so Friday at 2:20

Ph 8.2
Ammonia .25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10

So nothing to worry about there is there?

Any idea why my ph could be so high though? I got it tested at the place I volunteer where they have the thing you stick in and it gives a digital reading and it was 8.14 to be exact just with the test kit it looks like 8.2

Also that tank is cool but the thing that I like about my tank is that I can always see all my fish. Im going to keep adding fish but I don't know about adding any more of the loaches.

What I want to finish up with is

8 cory cats
1 pleco
8 tetra serpa
6 black skirt tetra
6 red eye tetra
6 dalmation mollies

but I'm wondering how much that will be pushing the limits of the tank

I have two Black Kuhlis and 5 banded ones and we love them. I have water results same as you with very high PH and we have never had a problem with them at all. We had one die on the way home from the pet store. They're pretty hardy and are so much fon to watch. The banded ones are so pretty. They do like to be in the company of their own kind though. I would probably give it another try. :look:

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