Tank Update


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2009
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So I have had my 75 gallon tank going since July 3 and I waited untill July 22 to add any new fish. So you can go ahead and say 20 days of a fish-in-cycle. Everything seems to be going good I tested the water on the 23, 25, 28 since I added the fish and no ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates spikes. Now I'm going to go to testing the water once a week. That would be a fair thing to do right? Until next time I add fish?

I'm in the process of setting up my 10 gallon quarantine tank also doing a fish in cycle (I got 2 prego females salfin mollies and 2 male salfin mollies) from the place I volunteer. Those numbers are starting to rise so I'm going to change out about 2.5 gallons tomorrow and see how that helps out the situation in that tank.

Thanks again for everyones helps and ideas for the past 20 days
so you are in a fish-in cycle? you need to test everyday.

I have always been testing my water every other day for the past 20 days but since my 75 gallon tank hasn't changed any results since the 21st thats why I decided to go to once a week on that. Now with my 10 gallon I'm testing that every other day too.

Also I'm not sure if you were one around the beginning helping but this all started because my tap water had 1.0 of ammonia in it so I wasn't able to use that so I couldn't do water changes so I let it sit for a day or so but then I found out my parents friend had well water. I changed 15 gallons from there and then I also put in about 2-3 gallons from the place I volunteer with seasoned water and gravel. But I haven't done any more water changes since I did those 2 things yet. I'm going to do another one in about a week as long as everything is good untill then. Also after I change another 15 gallons I'm probably going to add another 4-5 fish
Oh okay, i think i remember helping a bit with the your tank. Looks like youve got everything under control
Oh okay, i think i remember helping a bit with the your tank. Looks like youve got everything under control

Who is doing my fin nipping? I noticed a different black skirt tetra has a nipped fin now (the other one is about 99% healed)

I have 3 black skirt tetra, 1 tetra serpa, 3 red eye tetra, 2 cory cats, 1 pleco, 3 red eye tetra.

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