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    Forum Help

    How do i contact him, i dont have pm or emails. :crazy:
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    Bubble Nest! Biggest One He Has Made To Date...

    Are you planning on a spawn.
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    Sick Betta.. Poor Guy.. Sigh

    Maybe its just stress
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    Forum Help

    We have just opened an online betta shop, is this allowed to go in my sig or not.
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    My Fish Are Wrapping!

    How are the fry getting on now.
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    Bubble Nest! Biggest One He Has Made To Date...

    :D Nice to see him making a nest :)
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    Two Male Gourami's?

    I have 2 honey males in my tank, and no fighting at all. :rolleyes:
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    Sailfin Mollies

    Oh Ok :lol:
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    Sailfin Mollies

    And is it still possible that the male may not be the daddy, as the female can hold sperm for ages.
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    Nays Guppy Journal

    What nice guppys, proberly better than lfs.
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    Breeding Sparkling Gourami

    First of all make sure you have 1 male and 1 female and seperate them, and you will have to read up on them before even breeding them.
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    Dwarf Gouramis?

    Males tend to be colourful and females are far more dull. Hope that helps
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    Platy Fry

    My female molly gave birth last night and i lost them all.
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    Sword Tails Alone

    My female sword lives by herself very happily.
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    New Molly Fry

    Goodluck with the fry mate.
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    What Do Ppl Do With Their Unwanted Fry?

    Either take them to a LFS, or buy an angel fish.
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    Platy Fry

    Adding some plants is a good idea, goodluck with the 2 little fry.
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    This Is Cloud And His Bubblenest!

    Are you planning on breeding him
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    Bettas In Community Tanks

    Well to be honest i keep 3 female betta 1 male betta 9 neons 1 sword 1 plec and a few other tetra in a 60 gallon tank, and they all get along ok. However i must stress it is not really advisable to keep male and female betta together.
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    New Betta - How Does This Sound?

    Omg what a nice betta you have there, goodluck with him.