Bubble Nest! Biggest One He Has Made To Date...


Fish Crazy
Jun 18, 2009
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Hello! :mama:

I am sure this is not the biggest bubble nest anyone has ever seen, but it is the biggest one Azumo has made so far. :D I was able to get a decent shot of it, so I thought I'd post it with a little tip for anyone who's little friend is not currently making them. Well - -_- maybe "tip" is an overstatement. I just have a theory on the subject...

I think on this forum we can be assured that there is no member here, who is mistreating their betta (from what I can tell everybody here is a GREAT :good: fish "parent"), so if there is anybody who's betta is not making bubble nests it is not because they are not "happy".

I had Azumo for a few weeks and I never saw him even attempt to make a single bubble and then one day, when I added a tall plant which happened to have a flat leaf that ended up flush with the water surface, voila - the next morning there were already the beginnings of a nest on the bottom side of the leaf. He has been making bubble nests ever since. Due to the fact that I clean out his bowl once a week I am able to slightly rearrange things on a weekly basis and this has shown me what he looks for to make a nest. He always makes a nest when there is something that will help him keep the bubbles in place. I.e. since he is in a round bowl just making them against the side of the glass seems to difficult as they just disperse into a thin circle all around. So he will either make it right at the bottom of a leaf, if it is flush with or just under the surface or he will do it if there is something touching the surface near the glass, so he can "build between". One week I put the tall tree trunk with the plant on top, right in the middle of the bowl and none of the leaves ended up near the water level and he did not make any nest that week.

The photo you see on the link here, shows how he uses the plant to help him keep the bubbles together. The plant leaves border the bubblenest on the right and the glass is on the left perimeter of the nest.


Anyways - so my theory is that something like this is missing for any bettas who are not making the nests, they maybe are in a hexagon tank where the corner angles are wide or maybe there are are obstructions right in the corner.

Or maybe there ARE some just lazy bettas out there ... :lol:

Well, if anybody ends up testing this theory and it works - I'd definitely like to hear.
Well, we always have to give the bettas something to hold their nest together when breeding. Mostly half a polystyrene cup, or IAL.. along those lines. The bubbles just end up all over the place if there is not something to hold them.
No. I have my hands full with one healthy male betta and my friend's sick male betta. I just saw from some other newbie posts that not everybody seeing the nests being made, so I thought I'd mention it. Thanks for answering.
My bettas do tend to make their nests at the edges, perhaps something floating might help. I recently had a rooted plant float off and while it was at the top, my betta and frogs seemed to enjoy it, so I'm going to try and get something to float permanently :)
Mine made a nest then i destoryed it while doing a water change and he hasnt done it since lol...

Thats great news thats he making them. Shows he happy :)
Sounds like a good idea, Ellena

CTlovesKS - don't loose faith. I destroyed Azumo's first nest too during water change and for a few days it looked like he was moping... But then he got over it! : )
Well when i looked into his tank yesturday it seemed all fine but today it smelt really bad so i done a 50% water change and clean the filter out good and proper and hopfuly he should start building again lol. Dont worry I wont lose faith. Though my other one Peach hasnt even ampted one but i see why... living in breeding box till someone will rehome him.
OK, cool. And good luck with finding a taker for Peach. Apart from the fact that I can't handle another fish, I'm in the US...
Straight after reading this thread, I found Rufus with this nest

So seems plants poking out of the water can help too :)
We put a small sheet aprox 6" by 4" we had a large bubble nest the next morning we then introduced the female and had a nest full of
eggs that night.

Now just waiting for the eggs to hatch :)
Cool nest, Ellena! Interesting on the sheet home breeders. What was the sheet made of?
I'l take great care of peach don't you worry ;)

Got his uk 6gal (us 8 gal) waiting for him.

My boys have bubble nested once each and not since, its odd but i think my changing from fake to real plants in Radishes tank may help, he loves the elodia i put in there and likes to push himself through it and sit in it all smug.
Wow! Thats wicked!
i have a tall plant i mgiht add it, its not silk but it doesnt seem harmful to fins.
So what do the bubbles indicate?

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