Nays Guppy Journal


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2009
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Some of you know about Ringo. His parents died when I had them only for a month. Reason we found out is because the store they came from didn't take care of them. Anyway I pick a male to keep from every batch of fry. Ringo was it. So I bred him with 2 females I bought from a friend breeder. Lily was first and then Licorice. I got them when Ringo was 4 months.
They all started in a 14 gal.
Anyway Lily dropped the first batch at night on 4/16/09 (7 stayed alive) and then Licorice on 4/21/09 (had 21)


I kept them in a net for a month until they were old enough to be with the adults. Then Lily (Mother's Day) and Licorice (5/14/09) dropped again when I was on vacation (Mom-n-law took care of them). I came home with some swimming around. I didn't have a net so I let nature take it's corse.

By 6/7 I started seperating the males from females. Males went into the 10 gal and females and babies in the 14.



One male caught my eye (Lily's born 4/16)

Same male a week later

More of the males

You can tell which babies were Licorice's ...they mainly have the black tale like momma. I no longer have Licorice because the one breeder wanted her back and bought her. Now I have Tator Tot who is going to be my next breeding fish (Her story later).
Well found 3 males I fell in love with, but hard just to choose 2 (1 from each mom) to breed and the rest of the males to sell.

Here's the ones I like,


The one I have been following the colors is Lily's one. (the one on bottom left) which I am keeping. Just need a name.

It's the other two I can't decide which I like best. Both have Ringo's ring tail I wanted.

The middle one looks like he will have black on top when he grows more and his fins have both yellow and orange.
The top right has more bold colors and a more noticible ring pattern.

So I am stomped. I already named them Pyro (middle) and RJ {Ringo Jr.} (top right). Just trying to figure which I like best.
Shot updates. Getting body color. I have to get many pics cause they move so much.


Well today I just sold all my older 2 1/2 month females (14) and let the guy choose a male for his 90gal tank. He has another male in there, so basically 14 females with 2 He said he would get 2 more males.

The 1st batch males I am keeping till Mid August to let their colors come in more so I can sell them.

In my 2nd batch born May, I only got 1 male so far that I can see sadly. I wish I could have more males. A few females have some color.

3rd batch born June are doing great and growing fast.

Lily looks to be preggo again.

I sold Licorice to a breeder.

Tot I am going to breed with one of the males I have chosen to keep. I just don't know who to breed her with..Pyro or Flash.

Next month when I sell the males, I am going to breed Tot and then stick her back in the big female tank. I am also going to get another female from someone.
Getting ready to sell these guys off. =(....I love their colors how they came out.
Daddy is Ringo on them

The 4 H/B Blue from Licorice

H/B Orange like Licorice

3 Endler looking ones from Lily. The middle in first is Flash, one I am keeping


I don't know what to say about this one. I had 2 but the guy that took my females took his brother. From Licorice


I just got another female from someone and currently breeding her with Pyro. Named the new female Sprinkles (hubby's Also trying to get tot with one.
Wow! You're lucky you have so much success! It's a good system you got going there!
See, I don't even bother naming my fish, because they have babies more than once a month! :lol:
Whereabouts do you live? I'd like to buy some of those gups from you. :D
Wow! You're lucky you have so much success! It's a good system you got going there!
See, I don't even bother naming my fish, because they have babies more than once a month! :lol:
Whereabouts do you live? I'd like to buy some of those gups from you. :D

Lol thankyou. I do wish I had bigger tanks though. Living at my n-laws. So once we get our own house, I am getting 2 20 gals.

I only name the ones I keep. It helps me remember who is who and to write in my small fish book when they dropped.

I live in Virginia (USA). If you live in another state, I don't really know how to ship. I will probably ask a LFS...hehe
Wow! You're lucky you have so much success! It's a good system you got going there!
See, I don't even bother naming my fish, because they have babies more than once a month! :lol:
Whereabouts do you live? I'd like to buy some of those gups from you. :D

Lol thankyou. I do wish I had bigger tanks though. Living at my n-laws. So once we get our own house, I am getting 2 20 gals.

I only name the ones I keep. It helps me remember who is who and to write in my small fish book when they dropped.

I live in Virginia (USA). If you live in another state, I don't really know how to ship. I will probably ask a LFS...hehe

I only name the fish that are really special to me! :)

I live in Canada, so that probably wouldn't work out! :S :unsure:

Anyhow, if you could upload some more pics, that would be greatly appreciated!

I got too lazy to write in my journal. I just keep a calender. It was a bit easier when I only had guppies. :lol:

Well I sold 3 of my Half Black/Blues and my Half Black/Orange.

Update of the tank, the plant almost took over lol

The hlaf black/ blues. Had 5



The endler, lyretails...not sure exactly what tey are. I don't know what type Lily (mom) is. The yellow/black dotted tails come from dad.


My half black/orange I sold



Sprinkles (named by my hubby) the new female I will breed.

and Tot nearly getting huge (Lily is blurred)

Found Charger chomping away. These 2 Oto's are a rare site now.
Have some more.

These two I am keeping. Trying to keep this pattern in line...the cobra part.

This is RJ (Ringo Jr). . He does have a tad bit of his mother Lcorice's orange in his dorsal though. Ringo is in with


This is Pyro. took majority of Licorice's color, but the pattern of Ringo.


The 4 on right were born Late May. So they are just turned 2 months. The one all the way left was born June.. so he is over a month. Mom is Lily.

could you try and make a simple family tree of your fish since the start [doesn't need to include d.o.b etc or pics, tho pics would be good :D]

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