This Is Cloud And His Bubblenest!


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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ok heres cloud


he is alot more blue than that just thats when i first got him, that was just over a month ago now....heres his bubblenest i woke upto one morning!


ive never seen one before and i was amazed! i will post a better picture of him when he gos back into the main tank
Aw, he's a lovely colour-I like the hint of purple :)
And yay for him bubbling-must be happy :wub:
:) its a shame though as you can see in the picture he had been fin nipped in the lfs he wasnt very happy when he first came...and because i was mislead he was also chased by my gfs red tailed shark, be the shark is gone :( RIP but cloud is still much better looking now, he has very vibrant colours and he does tend to build bubblenests alot, he has so much personalty! when he was in the shop he was the only betta who came to the front of the tank and followed me was a "i must take him home" kind of moment which then got me into a full throttle of fish keeping :) hes a much loved betta already
ok heres cloud


he is alot more blue than that just thats when i first got him, that was just over a month ago now....heres his bubblenest i woke upto one morning!

Well, what are you waiting for! Time to go take more pictures! :lol:
very nice betta and the rock in second pic looks a bit like live rock out of marine
very nice betta and the rock in second pic looks a bit like live rock out of marine

yea it supposed to look like it hench why i got it :)

Are you planning on breeding him

never thought about it....i dont really think i have the know how to do it lol

im in the process of sorting his tank out as he is turning white.....hoping he is going to be ok so i can get a much better picture of him
finaly! there not the best pictures but they are the best i could get :)



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