My Fish Are Wrapping!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
California, USA
My fish are finally wrapping.. but as the eggs fall from her, she darts down and devours each one! My male isn't making any effort to collect them, and the female is not depositing them into the bubble nest.

What should I do!?! I don't want to interfere, but at this rate, nothing is going to be left!
Stick a siphon tube in there and try to get as many eggs as you can. You'll have to do a tub hatch. This happens sometimes with inexperienced parents. It sounds like they're not going to get it before they eat the eggs. Usually removal of the eggs pisses off the father a lot, and isn't advised, but you've got nothing to lose cause you're going to lose them all anyway if you do nothing.
It looked like my male finally started gathering them.. but I'm not sure if he got them all into the nest okay.. My female would gobble up anything my male didn't get to first. It's been around 8 hours since it all ended. When I look into the nest, I can't see anything. Should I be able to see the eggs? I just want to know if any survived.
I guess enough eggs made it into the nest, because I've got babies!! I'd like to share a video of the wrapping with you all. It's really quite beautiful! Take a look, especially if you've never gotten a chance to witness it yourself. :blush: Keep in mind that this is a highly reduced version! These two were at it from 11:00PM to about 3:00AM! I fell asleep on the floor by the fish tank, waiting to put the female back! :lol:

Betta Wrapping Video

Here's Alvin, guarding the nest:


And here's one of the many fry. I'd say it's about the size of.. half a sesame seed. :wub:

Here's an updated picture of one of the fry today. They are capable of zooming quickly around the tank now. Cute little things!


Anyone know when I should start feeding them? I still have the father in the tank as well. Is this okay?
If they've gone horizontal it's time to remove the father and start feeding. It's about six hours since that photo was taken I guess, so yeah, time to start feeding. Try microworm or vinegar eels at first. If you don't have those, hardboil an egg, take a TINY piece of the yolk and crush that into the water.

You COULD leave the father in longer, but it's usually safer to remove him, especially with an inexperienced father.
I took Alvin out, as you advised. I know it's silly, but it's almost like he misses taking care of them. I tried feeding the fry some newly hatched brine shrimp.. I can't really tell if they're eating it because they're just so small! I took another picture of one of the fry to show the development a bit more..


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