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  1. B

    Are You New To Bettas - Read Here!

    This is Fab, just read it all and its very helpful to me who is trying to set up my betta tank for my very first betta.
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    Rip Alucard

    Sorry for your loss. So sad when you loose a pet. Hopefully he will be happier now :)
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    Bars/stripes On Gills?

    aww how sweet! something to look out for!
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    I Disturbed His Sleeping :/

    It is hard to get what people say on paper. i get it all the time at work when i send an email and everyone is like that was a bit harsh. But i had only missed of the many thanks at the end! silly really. (sorry to hijeck thred) but do you hear the persons voice when readin comments on...
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    Why Is It The 'done Thing' To Breed Sibling Pairs?

    I think im now just confused :S too many F's me thinks
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    Alternitave Quarantene Tank

    Hi i have heard of other people covering the filter inlets with tights, would you be able to do this?
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    Why Is It The 'done Thing' To Breed Sibling Pairs?

    I think its wrong and cant see any possible attraction to it. My friend shave pedegree dogs and i think its so poor as you can see clearly on its family history thats it inbred!
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    Oily Water Surface...

    do betta's not like surface ajitation then? i was planning on having the filter agitating the surface to keep the tank oxegenated?
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    Male Betta And Female Guppies

    ooo god a close call there me thinks!
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    Media And Instant Cycling

    problem is i cant afford a testing kit (and i also dont trust myself to take correct readings, im a worrier) and i dont have the ability to get it checked each day :(
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    Bettas And Setups

    ahh that makes sense, however if you breed fish would that be the same as you will have batches but not constantly?
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    Media And Instant Cycling

    Hi all, Right i have at home a mature tank with the following: 2 cory's 5 neon tetras 3 black tetras 6 black widow tetras its has been set up and working for months and months now and have a very gunky filter. i plan on getting a betta in a 16L tank and have a new mini filter and mini heater...
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    What Cory Or Is It Too Small?

    i am too but i'd like the first to be happy and settled and then sort out the second ;) plus i may be able to persuade my OH to get another once i have made him fall in love with the first tee he he :)
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    What Cory Or Is It Too Small?

    dont encourange me!!!! The thing is the new betta is going to live n the chest of draws that os falling appart but today i am going to pick up a new book case that will live in the hall which is another option for its home. but then i have 2 homes!!! 2 bettas!!! :)
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    New Here :) Also A Question (betta Related)

    Hiya and welcome! where abouts are you? god im so jealous of your betta family, i havent even got mine yet! :)
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    Saphire - Newer Pics

    oo he looks like he is gonna be a looker ;) nice to see him getting the cae he deserves. :)
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    What Cory Or Is It Too Small?

    i see. well ill get him first and see how he fits in. My OH has spotted several more anks going cheap close by so who knows i may end up with a few ;)
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    I Disturbed His Sleeping :/

    i bet he doesnt give you as bad looks as my guinea pig gives me if i accidentally wake her up. if looks could kill! ;)
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    I Disturbed His Sleeping :/

    hey thats not fair, this is wat a forum i for, to ask and learn, some people are new to this and have no idea what upsets them and what happens. there is only so much you can read in a book. experience counts for a lot and that is what we are trying to gain.
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    Saphire - Newer Pics

    poor thing! i cant belive the store let him get like that!
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    Multiple Betta Tank Setup

    No problem! Also dont forget to ask them in P&H for the ones they have used as display cabinets. you may get extras like the filter and heater free and a bit off as its been used. they can also sell of damaged goods cheap too so keep an eye out for ones with scratches and try and get them down...
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    What Cory Or Is It Too Small?

    Well i havent got him yet and he may be disabled i do not know. so i shall wait and see. thanks!
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    What Cory Or Is It Too Small?

    Hiya again, Is this too small for the betta? i dont want him to be cramped, it seems smaller against our hex tank :( but he will be the only one......
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    Multiple Betta Tank Setup

    I dont know how you are with second hand tanks but what about your local tip? I got my 15L tank there and it was soooo cheap and they have some plastic ones at the one near me at the mo too. bigger with more space but lighter.
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    Plants Out Of Water....

    Hi Guys, I have brought some lovely aquatic plants online ( a mix so not 100% what each and every plant is) But my tank bits - filter and heater turn up next week. Will the plants survive in normal tap water in a jug, out of the water or does it need to be cycled? or on a different note could...
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    Betta Rescue Anyone?

    i like what you are saying, i rescue small animals to and would never buy one from a shop but try and pursuade the owner to give it to me. easier said than done. but like at p@h the animals they cant sell go to the adoption center anyways.
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    Water In For The Tank

    we mix before putting in, makes sure its all in and sorted. also helps with knowing what amount you are using!
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    What Cory Or Is It Too Small?

    Thats what i thought, but i dont want him te get lonely. but he will have bits in the tank to keep him occupied :) oh im so excited! cant wait for the bits to start cycling!!!
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    What Cory Or Is It Too Small?

    Hi Guys, So my BF returned the favour and brought me a small clearseal tank for my Betta! :) i cant wait but i wonered if it was too small to have a cory or two? Its about 13ltr its 16'' by 8'' what do you think? x
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    Betta Rescue Anyone?

    Aww no :( poor fishies. If anyone has any rehabilitated bettas that need new homes let me know im looking for my own rescuee. x
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    Sold Large Gold Sucking Loach Free

    oh no! someone must have them!! have you tried freecycle or another forum?? id have them but i dont have the space for a bigger tank :(
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    Amazon Swords For Sale.

    hate to be slightly dim but... i have a 8'' high tank, what plants are best to put in there? i would really like an amazon sword but the one in our other tank is huge!
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    Betta Setups

    Oh im definately interested in a setup please?!?!?! Need a set up this week so i can start cyclying my tank with matter from my OH's tank :)
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    Sold Large Gold Sucking Loach Free

    how big is large?
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    Can You Please Offer Some Advice? Im Not Sure What Wouldbe Best?

    Hi BJ, Can fish really survive two weeks without food? Yhe tank has been well set up now for 3 months and the only new fish added recently is fat sam who is still swimming like a mad cory (i am told this is normal for albinos). The tests i have found are not cheap so at the moment that will...
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    Have You Ever Found A Fish In A Strange Place,and Its Been To Late

    My ex had a gold fish and he hated being left alone, they came back to find him missing and low and behold he had jumped himself out of the tank and down the back of the cabinet. what was even more shocking was that he actually survived! he must have been out of the tank for a good few hours but...
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    Can You Please Offer Some Advice? Im Not Sure What Wouldbe Best?

    hiya, Thanks ill do a water change then thank you. No the filter is belowthe serface, i shall move it to try and create some airation. as for the bubbles they are rather rather strong so we do have them on but only for an hour or two as the widows do end up puffing at the bottom hidden in a...
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    Can You Please Offer Some Advice? Im Not Sure What Wouldbe Best?

    Hiya its a fluval 2+ and no bubbles i can see ever. water tested yes but by the shop not us and they only show us the colours not numbers or anything :(
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    Can You Please Offer Some Advice? Im Not Sure What Wouldbe Best?

    Hi Guys, Right tank details: 50L hex, planted with: 5 black tetra's 6 black widow tetra's a albino cory and a peppered cory. Right how they all went in: We did a fish cycle (black tetras) as recommended by the pet store as we had tried doing it fishless for approx 3 months with no change to...
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    Mollys With Bettas?

    does anyone have actual experiences with these two together? Our tank is nearly cycled and my friends molly just had fry and she doesnt have room to keep them ( they are in a net at the mo) we are planning to get a betta after some harlequins are settled but if my friend needs a home for these...