What Cory Or Is It Too Small?


New Member
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
Portsmouth, UK
Hi Guys,

So my BF returned the favour and brought me a small clearseal tank for my Betta!
:) i cant wait but i wonered if it was too small to have a cory or two?

Its about 13ltr its 16'' by 8''

what do you think?

Its too small to keep anything else other than your betta, i have one of those tanks for the captain.

I'm sure your little guy will be very happy on his own.
Its too small to keep anything else other than your betta, i have one of those tanks for the captain.

I'm sure your little guy will be very happy on his own.

Thats what i thought, but i dont want him te get lonely. but he will have bits in the tank to keep him occupied :)

oh im so excited! cant wait for the bits to start cycling!!!
I keep one of my rescues in a 13litre but he's disabled by a bent spine and doesn't swim alot.

I think it all depends on the behaviour of your betta, if he is active then i would try and geet him a bigger tank but there is nothing wrong with it in the mean time.
if you think hell be lonely get some snails...hours of entertainment for him and very low on the bioload side of things.
Hi Blondie_Kate :)

Your 13 litre tank is over 3 gallons in capacity. That's plenty for a betta, but corys need more space since you would want to get a small school of them. A nice mystery snail or a ramshorn would be an interesting addition though. :D
i see. well ill get him first and see how he fits in.
My OH has spotted several more anks going cheap close by so who knows i may end up with a few ;)
dont encourange me!!!!

The thing is the new betta is going to live n the chest of draws that os falling appart but today i am going to pick up a new book case that will live in the hall which is another option for its home. but then i have 2 homes!!! 2 bettas!!! :)
I am sorry but I am a minion of Forestpisces and so must encourage! Two bettas! LOL only joking, I really would be tempted though
i am too but i'd like the first to be happy and settled and then sort out the second ;) plus i may be able to persuade my OH to get another once i have made him fall in love with the first tee he he :)

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