Multiple Betta Tank Setup


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
So after reading and really getting the betta bug, I want to start looking into getting local bettas for myself. I am not allowed to set up any further tanks till my 160 ilitre is in place and we have seen the next electricity bill (gulp!).

But I can dream and plan and perhaps source some great equipment in the meantime. Not sure on the number of bettas would like, it may be dependant which of the following setups you guys thinks is good.

Option 1: Get a 2-3 foot tank and divide, have a filter running through all and heater,etc. Are there any other useful ways of making dividers other than the pinned one that you may know of?

Option 2: Get individual 3-5g and have a table of them (would feel uneasy on shelves). To cut down electricity abit have filters running from an airpump (have no idea how this sort of setup works) with each having a heater.

The bettas themselves I will source locally and most likely will end up as rescuees which I hope to convince the sources to give to me or buy whichever ( I know this has been discussed heavily in the other post ;)) So perhaps singulars would be better as disease can spread throughout the tank?

I am hoping the Pets at Home do those £16 glass bargains near me, otherwise would need to source on the internet as the other place only has plastic tanks for £20.

Prays now (please let the electricity bill not be affected to much, pretty please :lol: )
Sounds like a Good Idea, Pity that tanks are so expensive down there. Here the Little 3G Plastic Tanks start from a Fiver.
I'm afraid I am of the 'don't like bettas in small tanks' brigade so if it were me I'd be setting up 30L tanks all over the place :ninja:
If it's relatively likely that Bettas will be coming to you with ailments then seperate tanks is the way forward. If you are simply setting up a tank with healthy shop bought specimens then you're only facing the same risks as adding new fish to a community set-up.
Alternatively, have a main divided tank and then just 1 quarantine tank for new arrivals to wait in until they are given the all clear!

Multiple filters run by one pump is done using air tubing connectors. One stream of air goes into the connector and then gets split into 2 which you attach another piece of airline either goes into another connector to split it into two or goes directly into the air driven filter. Hope that makes sense?
Hey jennybugs, 30litres is... 6.6 UK gallons, I certainly hope to get 5g each for them ;)

Thanks for the explanation Curiosity! I have a pump at home given to me, will have to try the pump itself out.

Thanks jasmine - will try Pets At Home next :)

Thanks so much everyone - keep the thoughts coming.
Hey jennybugs, 30litres is... 6.6 UK gallons, I certainly hope to get 5g each for them ;)

Thanks for the explanation Curiosity! I have a pump at home given to me, will have to try the pump itself out.

Thanks jasmine - will try Pets At Home next :)

Thanks so much everyone - keep the thoughts coming.

I dont know how you are with second hand tanks but what about your local tip? I got my 15L tank there and it was soooo cheap and they have some plastic ones at the one near me at the mo too. bigger with more space but lighter.
Pets at home do quite good big ones that are cheap if i can remember correctly, there was a big tank ( didnt say how many litres just measurements ) it looked about 50litres, and it was £50 odd pound, including the lid.
They do a bunch of random ones that arent a make.
I got my 70ltr from a garden centre, £50!
Cheap! lol
if that was in a proper fish store it would of been about £80 maybe
I got my new tank from pet@home.

6 uk gallon clear seal for £16.99 just the tank and some goldfish water conditioner (not sure whether to use it with my bettas) seems ok and is a nice size, i just need to figure out how to light it as i want plants and you have to make sure u check it for chips.

Mine has one at a corner but i filled it up for a good few hours and it didn't leak or burst so i'm guessing it will be ok, i'm begging my OH to get me sum sealent so i can dab that on there.
LOL all my tanks are second hand blondie kate! I certainly do not mind and never thought to try the tip! Many thanks :)

Thanks jasmine and forestpisces, pets at home seems to be the place for bargains. I will let you know my findings though looking into prices may take a few weeks for me and of course will not be buying straight away.
i dont know if you have them in UK but in the states they sell cheeseballs and pretzels in giant plastic containers for like $4 (you find them in bulk stores or even places like walmart and of all places office max). they hold three gal of water and i have a rescue in one. ate the cheeseballs, cleaned it out really well, made a sponge filter out of old fish food container and bought a heater for $7 at walmart...used sand substrate as it is cheap as heck! and planted with plants form other tanks...all in all cost less than $20. my boy is happy as pie!

you can do things on the cheap if you are always keeping an eye out! and are imaginative :unsure:
ughhh...the betta bug is an aweful thing...yet great at the same time. wish i could help them all!!!!!!
Hey jennybugs, 30litres is... 6.6 UK gallons, I certainly hope to get 5g each for them ;)
That's good to hear :D I've never had success with bettas in anything less than 20L. My 20L Arc was a good tank for mine. I was sorry to have to sell it in the end.
LOL all my tanks are second hand blondie kate! I certainly do not mind and never thought to try the tip! Many thanks :)

Thanks jasmine and forestpisces, pets at home seems to be the place for bargains. I will let you know my findings though looking into prices may take a few weeks for me and of course will not be buying straight away.

No problem! Also dont forget to ask them in P&H for the ones they have used as display cabinets. you may get extras like the filter and heater free and a bit off as its been used.
they can also sell of damaged goods cheap too so keep an eye out for ones with scratches and try and get them down in price!

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