I Disturbed His Sleeping :/


Fish Addict
Jul 4, 2009
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i went in my room and i assume shimmer was asleep he was lying on top of the floating elodea not moving even when i touched him i thought he was dead, then he swam and tryed going back sleep, i feel like ive disturbed him now, the room was dark for about 2 hours then i came in the room.
while i was gone for the 2 hours tho he made 2 more bubble nests!
is it bad that i disturbed him?
Haha you are quite the worrying mother arn't you.

It's fine most people wake up their fish in the night by accident, i do it all the time lol.
hahaha LOL, dont worry I was pretty much same as well when first joined ;) It is natural to worry about giving the best care for your fish :)
now now hawkins, she didnt ask if he was going to die, she wanted to know if it was bad for her to disturb him. I am still pretty new myself and remember all the stories do this and this and the fish will die, etc. Fish actually tend to be hardier than first thought when first entering this hobby. It is healthy to ask questions as not everyone has the same experience.

An example for me is I worry constantly about one of fish as his mood and colour changes all the time and concerned whether he is content or not. I have had a fair few posts about him, and it has helped to hear the reassurances of more experienced people.

Sorry that is my two cents :)
Sorry hawkins im just wondering, ill remember not to make any threads anymore shall i.

i guess it is a stupid question wth did i post it
hey thats not fair, this is wat a forum i for, to ask and learn, some people are new to this and have no idea what upsets them and what happens.

there is only so much you can read in a book.

experience counts for a lot and that is what we are trying to gain.
Hawkins i would like to take it upon myself to tell you to shut the hell up.

I find you VERY rude and childish if don't have anythiing of use to say then say nothing at all.
I have kept bettas for yonks and I still worry when mine are sitting on the bottom of the tank, I usually peer in the side and scare them to death....lighten up folks.... :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

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