I Disturbed His Sleeping :/

HaHa, i was liek that with my nans cat always asleep in a ball and id go try play with her!
I found shimmer late last night in his plant pot when iw as goign bed, its like he knew it was bedtime!!!:D
HaHa, i was liek that with my nans cat always asleep in a ball and id go try play with her!
I found shimmer late last night in his plant pot when iw as goign bed, its like he knew it was bedtime!!!:D

this fish is a genius

Is that supposed to be sarcastic?
Because if it is im not interested, if you have nothing nice to say then dont say it atall!
HaHa, i was liek that with my nans cat always asleep in a ball and id go try play with her!
I found shimmer late last night in his plant pot when iw as goign bed, its like he knew it was bedtime!!!:D

this fish is a genius

Is that supposed to be sarcastic?
Because if it is im not interested, if you have nothing nice to say then dont say it atall!

hawkins please do not comment if you dont have any thing nice to say
hmmmm. Everyone do remember it is hard with forums to get what people are saying sometimes as we do not have the face expressions or body language. With this in mind please be more mindful how you say things and try to comment nicely :)
Hey Jasmine, Ive got a betta that seems to know when it is bedtime too. He likes to sleep inside my Jewel filter, sitting on the top of the filter wool. Every night at around 8 or 9pm he goes inside to sleep, and I don't see him again until around 7 or 8 am the next day. He also has a midday nap around 1pm.
Sometimes he cant even be bothered to get up for breakfast, so waits until the food gets sucked into the top of the filter, and takes it from there.
Bless little shimmer, what a cutie!
Hey Jasmine, Ive got a betta that seems to know when it is bedtime too. He likes to sleep inside my Jewel filter, sitting on the top of the filter wool. Every night at around 8 or 9pm he goes inside to sleep, and I don't see him again until around 7 or 8 am the next day. He also has a midday nap around 1pm.
Sometimes he cant even be bothered to get up for breakfast, so waits until the food gets sucked into the top of the filter, and takes it from there.
Bless little shimmer, what a cutie!
smart betta, i think shimmers bedtime thing was a one off unfortunatley, hes not done it since :/ x
But wow your betta sounds very clever!!!
hmmmm. Everyone do remember it is hard with forums to get what people are saying sometimes as we do not have the face expressions or body language. With this in mind please be more mindful how you say things and try to comment nicely :)

i will not be told how to act on a forum. thanks.
I am not telling you how to behave Hawkins, your name was not mentioned or directed towards you, it was just a polite reminder to everyone including myself that we do all need to be aware how things come across on the web compared to everyday life.

If you took offence I apologise for that but you assumed this was soley for you. It would just be nice for all members to appreciate each other with their varying degrees of knowledge and experience.

Have a great day! :)
I am not telling you how to behave Hawkins, your name was not mentioned or directed towards you, it was just a polite reminder to everyone including myself that we do all need to be aware how things come across on the web compared to everyday life.

If you took offence I apologise for that but you assumed this was soley for you. It would just be nice for all members to appreciate each other with their varying degrees of knowledge and experience.

Have a great day! :)

It is hard to get what people say on paper. i get it all the time at work when i send an email and everyone is like that was a bit harsh. But i had only missed of the many thanks at the end!

silly really.

(sorry to hijeck thred) but do you hear the persons voice when readin comments on forums? some deep some high?

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