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  1. bighammerfan


    Its totally safe with fish. That was my first question to the manufacturers. I have not used it yet to repair an aquarium but have used it for manuy other things
  2. bighammerfan

    Filter Question

    I have an Eheim 2217 and an Aquapro 4 running on a 72x24x18 tank. I used to have a schoal of red bellied piranha so needed a big turnover of water but now have 2 Parrots, 6 Silver Dollar (2") and a small pleco. Could i remove on of the thinking the 2217 ?
  3. bighammerfan


    C-TEC CT1 is brilliant. i sell milliput and CT1 and the C-TEC is miles better. watch the video
  4. bighammerfan

    Odd Parrot Fish Behaviour

    One of my parrot fish keeps going to one end of the tank and going up to the top of the tank tail first. Any idea why ?
  5. bighammerfan

    Silver Doller Fish

    I have 6 silver dollars but have not had any problems like that but they dont seem to grow very fast.
  6. bighammerfan

    Parrot Fish Problem

    nice one thanks :good:
  7. bighammerfan

    Parrot Fish Problem

    not yet...i might just stick my hand in and see
  8. bighammerfan

    Parrot Fish Problem

    :rolleyes: Whats wrong with that? ha ha I dont wanna get bitten :lol:
  9. bighammerfan

    Parrot Fish Problem

    Ive had these for 4 months now and previously i have kept Red Belly Piranha for 6 years ... now they can bite !!
  10. bighammerfan

    Crack In Bottom Of Tank

    its amazing. we sell it at work and its brilliant.
  11. bighammerfan

    Parrot Fish Problem

    Hi. I recently posted a question about my parrot fish digging up the gravel and was told thats the way it is which was fine...well not fine but thats life :rolleyes: . The problem i am having now is that one of them is at one end of the tank (6'x2'x1.5') and when i put my hand in to replace...
  12. bighammerfan

    Crack In Bottom Of Tank

    google a product called CT1..or pm me i will give you details
  13. bighammerfan

    I Had Decided To Get Rid Of My Parrot Fish

    They drive me mad with their constant digging so i decided to get rid of them but then last night as i was putting the tank back to some normality after a good days digging they both came to my hand and allowed me to stroke them ! How can i get rid of them now ? Answer...... I cant
  14. bighammerfan

    Scam Email

    I got this dodgy email today telling me that some person had paid £1000 in to my Abbey National PLC account ref. House Rent. 1. I dont rent a house out 2. I dont have an account with them 3. Its has not been called Abbey National PLC for a long time. Other than that im rich. In fact im well...
  15. bighammerfan

    Computer Help Needed

    problem solved. its a bit odd but i was using my wireless keyboard last night and must have put the numbers lock off and this setting obviously stayed with my laptop. i changed it on my wireless and its fine now on my laptop. thanks for your help. Alan
  16. bighammerfan

    Computer Help Needed

    didnt work. its a laptop and the buttons affected are the ones that have numbers and letters eg. u i o p k l m im using a wireless keyboard and its fine
  17. bighammerfan

    Computer Help Needed

    hi. it think i have changed the settings on my keyboard as unless i hold down the Fn key when i type it uses the numbers that are on the coresponding keys. eg. if i type the word 'pointing' without holding the Fn key it comes out as -65nt5ng. Help please !!
  18. bighammerfan

    Classified Suggestion

    innit.... i saw a little skeleton on a boat steering wheel which was an airstone but the shop cant get it. I would love to find one on here
  19. bighammerfan

    Jbl Filter Start

    I used that stuff recently. From Maidenhead aquatics. I didnt cycle the tank and 3 months later my fish are great. I did get a bit of a bashing on here but it definately works.
  20. bighammerfan

    Eheim 2215 Slow Flow - Help Urgently Needed

    i would bet its the hoses are full of green stuff.
  21. bighammerfan

    Buying Fish Online

    thats quite a good policy then
  22. bighammerfan

    Buying Fish Online

    what happens if they turn up dead ? will they get replacd f.o.c. ?
  23. bighammerfan

    Photographers - Lets See Your Gear

    its what i use....honest :blush:
  24. bighammerfan

    My New Tank

    nice one. you did well there for £90
  25. bighammerfan

    Are Parrots Friendly

    I have 2. one is very friendly but the bigger one is a bit aggressive and will not stop digging holes in the gravel. He chases the smaller one an my 6 silver dollars around the tank. I assume this is playing.
  26. bighammerfan

    Please Help

    they dont cause bubbles like internals
  27. bighammerfan

    Please Help

    so is the water circulating properly? is water coming out of the spray bar ?
  28. bighammerfan

    Quick Help Please, Eheim 2217 Installation

    I also have a 2217 and its a great little filter. very quiet
  29. bighammerfan

    Sugestions For My Tank Ornaments Etc

    ive added more bogwood and mopani and have a skeleton to go with an air to follow soon
  30. bighammerfan

    Sugestions For My Tank Ornaments Etc

    im spoilt for choice. i have 2 parrot fish that spend all their timwe digging and i dont want anything to fall on them.
  31. bighammerfan

    Sugestions For My Tank Ornaments Etc

    funny cos i have always liked them. thats certainly an option. thanks
  32. bighammerfan

    Sugestions For My Tank Ornaments Etc

    Im looking for suggestions as to what i might put in my tank. I have put a new black background on it and its looking a bit bare. I have silver dollars so have been advised against any plants. Help please ......many thanks
  33. bighammerfan

    Clear Silicone For Aquariums

    i have treble checked with the manufacturer and it is GUARANTEED not to kill any livivng organism
  34. bighammerfan

    Your Most Annoying Fish

    Mine has to be my Parrot fish....i spend half my time putting gravel back where they have moved it !!
  35. bighammerfan

    Clear Silicone For Aquariums

    Hi. i have some CT1 construction sealant for sale which is fantastic for aquariums. It comes in a 290ml tube and will bond all metals (including lead) glass ,mirror, all woods,polystyrene,fiberglass,tiles,concrete,stone,most synthetics,plastics (excluding polypropylene). Temp resistant -40' -...
  36. bighammerfan

    How Do I Get Food To Sink ?

    good idea...many thanks
  37. bighammerfan

    How Do I Get Food To Sink ?

    I have been feeding my fish cucumber and cant stopit floating. any ideas how i can safely weight it down ?
  38. bighammerfan

    Eastenders Omg!

    Remember that scrawny old thing Ali the cabbie used to be married to .. awful. And what was the bible bashing girls name, the one who was always crying ? she had the gay brother who dated tiffanys brother. hark at like an old woman :lol:
  39. bighammerfan

    Red Dwarf

    sorry but that has to be the worst programme ever (imo) after dads army