

Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
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Warwickshire, UK
Will milliput stick to glass and cure underwater?
Is there something better to use instead?

I'm wanting to attach plastic mesh to the inside of my tank in the form of a moss wall.
Miliput will stick to glass, but not well. It will set under water though :nod: However, large amounts of Miliput can cause issues, as the anti-stick powder they put in there to assist with handling it will release a lot of CO2 on contact with the water, and it will take in a lot of Oxygen. If you use it, use only small amounts at a time :good:

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Just want to use little blobs of it to hold the plastic mesh to the glass.
I don't want to use plastic suckers as that will leave space behind for fish to find their way into.
I definitely want it to stick well, don't fancy the idea of parts of the moss wall mesh coming adrift :crazy:
Silicone isn't going to cure underwater if I understand correctly.

Really don't fancy the idea of trying to catch and remove all the fish.

Although, I had originally planned to do this before the fish went in, unfortunately the mesh got lost in the post (probably down to RM strikes) so I've ended up having to get the fish in the tank and add the moss wall now instead.
There are "set under water" aquarium silicones. How effective they are is questionable IME though...

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Is CT1 safe to use under water though in an aquarium? Also, I've never heard of anyone who's actually glued a tank together with this stuff yet, though plenty of people have repaired tanks - that are empty - with it to my knowledge... Have you tried any tank builds with this stuff? If so, how did it go, and what size tank? Have you done any repairs with the tank still full of water?

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Is CT1 safe to use under water though in an aquarium? Also, I've never heard of anyone who's actually glued a tank together with this stuff yet, though plenty of people have repaired tanks - that are empty - with it to my knowledge... Have you tried any tank builds with this stuff? If so, how did it go, and what size tank? Have you done any repairs with the tank still full of water?

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Its totally safe with fish. That was my first question to the manufacturers. I have not used it yet to repair an aquarium but have used it for manuy other things

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