Sugestions For My Tank Ornaments Etc


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
up hill and down dale
Im looking for suggestions as to what i might put in my tank. I have put a new black background on it and its looking a bit bare. I have silver dollars so have been advised against any plants. Help please ......many thanks

lots of mopani wood, planted with java fern ( i had this and my silver dollar didnt touch it)

stunning tank by the way
I agree it needs wood and rocks. Plants would make it look more natural. I have always been a fan of a large rockpile studded with java ferns and anubias.
Some rocks and wood. With plants just go natural or you could buy some cu. Stuff like ships and things if you want. It's your tank have fun.
Those treasure chests which, when attached to an air line, open sporadically have always marked the discerning aquarist from the run of the mill. Failing that, an old fashioned deep sea diver figurine will always cut a dash in the best presented tanks.

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