Are Parrots Friendly


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Devon - UK
just wondering if parrots are friendly fish
setting up 240 litre tank (rio 240)- ph 7-7.2 - with mature filters

what tank mates can they have -- and general care please

thanks Sarah x

There's also these pretty orangy coloured fish with smiley faces at lfs -- bloody MS cant remember their names but i they are a cichlid
just wondering if parrots are friendly fish
setting up 240 litre tank (rio 240)- ph 7-7.2 - with mature filters

what tank mates can they have -- and general care please

thanks Sarah x

There's also these pretty orangy coloured fish with smiley faces at lfs -- bloody MS cant remember their names but i they are a cichlid
I have 2. one is very friendly but the bigger one is a bit aggressive and will not stop digging holes in the gravel. He chases the smaller one an my 6 silver dollars around the tank. I assume this is playing.
My normal looking orange parrot is really friendly (he smiles too, lol) and comes to hand feed. My other one gets really territorial over her part of the tank and has bitten me when i'm in there moving plants and gravel vac-ing :rolleyes: depends on the fish I think.

My 2 live with my severums and an angel, who they seem to completely ignore. I also have some tiger barbs in with them, and the are naughty little things that are always too nosy about the parrots caves and so get chased away, hehe.

I think they're pretty easy to keep tbh, and are really funny and entertaining fish - learn really quickly to recognise the owner I think... my 2 "wave" and smile at me when I come in the room, but don't react to other people. Probably are begging for food, haha :rolleyes:

They're really greedy actually.
My 2 larger ones are very aggressive and will attack my hand when I have it in the tank. One is a KK so she has drawn blood a few times.

It all depends on the fish for what tankmates they will accept. My KK ignores anything smaller than her but my normal one will eat any fish she can fit in her mouth (so anything smaller than say a tiger barb would be lunch).
hi there. i have 2 parrots. 1 blood parrot and 1 yellow parrot. they are never aggressve, they only time they do is when they are nesting in a cave. my yellow parrot seems to dig all the time. they are kept with a couple of sev's a pair of jack dempseys and a few catfish and yeah they do seem to smile at you. the tank size seems ok and your water stat's. with caring for them all i can say is makesure there is a cave or something like that so they can hide or breed or whatever. i feed mine flake and medium pellets with some bloodworm as a treat every now and again. hope this helps


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