Computer Help Needed


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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up hill and down dale
hi. it think i have changed the settings on my keyboard as unless i hold down the Fn key when i type it uses the numbers that are on the coresponding keys.

eg. if i type the word 'pointing' without holding the Fn key it comes out as -65nt5ng.

Help please !!
You are looking for a button labeld "number lock", as this will be "on" ATM, leading to the numbers overlayed on your letters :good: Pressing the button should switch number lock "off", and normal service should resume ;)

Really, this should have been posted in the computer section down the bottom amongst the "other hobbies" forums.

All the best
didnt work. its a laptop and the buttons affected are the ones that have numbers and letters eg. u i o p k l m

im using a wireless keyboard and its fine
Yup, on a laptop those keys generally replace the number pad fpund on a standard key board.

As said above you will need to press teh 'num lock' or 'number lock' key, however it is labelled, but dont forget to hold down the Fn key at the same time
problem solved. its a bit odd but i was using my wireless keyboard last night and must have put the numbers lock off and this setting obviously stayed with my laptop. i changed it on my wireless and its fine now on my laptop.

thanks for your help. Alan

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