Your Most Annoying Fish

Your Most Annoying Fish

  • Barb

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  • Tetra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gourami

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Loach

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Catfish(including Plec)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Livebearer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betta

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cichlid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rainbow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oddball

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Puffer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Piranha

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • KilliFish

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My fish isnt so much annoying as it is strange, it is an orange male guppy that hangs around with my harlequin rasboras, and acts exactly like them.....very confused fish!
Hmm... I have some extremely annoying bumblebee gobies that are used to being tube fed (the only way I can get bloodworms to slow moving bottom dwellers past the mollies at the top) so every time I try to change the water, the gobies try to insert themselves up the siphon line! I've taken to putting the end of the line in a net... lol
its not anymore coz he is dead, but it was my opaline gourami, he chased everyone around the tank and made te whole atmosphere very stressed.... he died from a bad body ulcer, treatment was too late
Mine are proberbly the platies, easy enough to care for but are constantly squabbling amongst eachother which annoys me.
Bettas, as much as i love them are a pain to keep with them having to be apart from everything!
mine has to be my two clown loaches, the man in my lfs said they are good at removing snails but my two push them off the glass with their fins and push them around the substrate :rolleyes:
My two chinese algae eaters, they only around 3 to 4 inches at the moment but i know they gonna get bigger and more than likely more aggressive at the moment they just zoom round the tank chasing each other but im waiting till they start on other tank mates.....

i was miss sold these fish, when i first started a little while back and they were tiny, was told they are great cleaner fish and good community species i have since read otherwise and they just gettin on my nerves,
free to good home anyone (tyne and wear)
Null vote for me, None of my fish annoy me... yet.
Hands down my oscar, annoying but I love him. Breaks heaters & filters, shoves spray bars out of the tank causing floods, splashes water on the floor, teases the dogs, really obnoxious great fish. I don't even try to decorate his tank, the arrangement of decorations is up to him.
Bloomin' silver dollars! :angry:
They're a pain in the bum for taking wonkies at everything, eating any type of living vegetation and turning your tank from a peaceful community into a wet tornado :crazy:
Don't get any... ever... just don't.
Annoying in a nice sort of way cos I love them to bits are my Pink Short-Bodied Convicts :wub: .

Every time I rescape their tank they mess it up in a couple of days to how they want it (they seem to love the unkempt hovel look LOL) - dragging plants here and there, shredding new plants I put in, digging holes into the gravel for nests, making stockpiles of gravel elsewhere (one day I came downstairs and couldn't see the heater thermostat as they'd almost covered it with a high pile of gravel - arrrgh!) etc etc

They hate me doing gravel vacs and barge at the siphon and my hands. They won't tolerate other tank mates (at the moment they are having to put up with my rainbow shark and they clearly don't want him in there!). Oh yeah and they are constantly spawning - that male just won't give his mate a flippin' rest!! Poor gal!

But despite all these annoying little things, they are highly entertaining (as are the 9 fry that survived from a batch a while ago) and I would be heartbroken to lose them.

I gotta add more to the list...

our golden panchax killifish is super annoying, but yet, I actually do love the little sucker (unlike the guppies which I now loathe). He pestered the other killifish that was w/ him (our fault for not researching)... so we moved the other one. THEN he started to pester the bolivian ram. So much so that the ram's colors were almost completely black AND it was hiding inside of the fake root ornament we had. Never saw the killifish actually attack the ram, but whatever it was doing was causing it serious stress. We finally had to move the killifish to his own 10gal tank. Kept him alone for a while, but when we started to get overrun by platy, put a few of the bigger ones w/ him. He was fine w/ the blue ones, but constantly chased the orange ones until 1 of them died and I took out the other before it died from stress as well.
He's a great fish though and very attentive to what I'm doing. My back is turned to his tank and I'll hear a big splash from him jumping, I'll turn and he'll be staring right at me. :p heh He's gonna be calling the 125 home as soon as it cycles. Hopefully he won't pester any of the fish we put in to it.

Another fish that I loved but got super annoyed with was our bumblebee goby (RIP). He was the pickiest eater ever! He would only eat frozen bloodworms, and then, would spit out ones he didn't like. It was a serious pain in the butt trying to feed him.
i have lots of guppies that are quite annoying but, the worst offender is they youngsters father Mr. Guppy, and endler who has been in the house for almost four years now he picked on other guppies in my brothers tank until they died. my brother got so mad at him he threw him in with a betta until the betta died he was hoping for the opposite. i thinking he was just lonely adopted him from my brother who was more then happy to be rid of the little brat.
it was because of him i started my community tank, and bought him two female guppies. he has since gone on to father a good chunk of babies. he is finally starting to see how annoying he is now that the younger males are putting him in his place. i tell you these kids today have no respect for there elders. :p

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