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  1. K

    need some help

    75 gallons is enoguh you do not need 125, although the Oscar's wouldn't mind the extra space I'm sure. :D
  2. K

    need some help

    2 Oscars are going to need a minum tank size of 75 gallons with no other tank mates. They are very agressive and should be the same size and added at the same time. Live plants will not work as they will be destroyed along with everything else in the tank.
  3. K

    help my betta~!

    It looks like my betta has hole in the head, but I have never heard of anything like this not on oscars. It is just like an infection above his left eye and kinda inbetween both of them. What is this and how do I cure it?
  4. K

    my betta~!

    It looks like my betta has hole in the head, but I have never heard of anything like this not on oscars. It is just like an infection above his left eye and kinda inbetween both of them. What is this and how do I cure it?
  5. K


    You do the same. I didn't say you said those things. Can you not see the question marks? Usually these indicate questions not statements. Learn to follow your own advice.
  6. K


    Hmmm, a waisted cause to care... Because caring takes so much energy? Or caring takes time? I don't understand why you would abandon your own feelings just to fall in line with what other people think.Just because there are far worse things happening doesn't mean you can't care about something...
  7. K

    Where the River goes..

    Alot of the bacteria lives in the gravel so it should be fine to change/ clean the filter. Also you should probably be cycling the fishless way by adding ammonia. This is the fastes since you don't have to do water changes.
  8. K

    look at this oscar

    This is the correct forum considering Oscars are south american and this is the new world cichlid forum.
  9. K

    my neons are a bother

    It's too bad that these fish "bother" you. If I lived near you, I would give them a home.
  10. K

    Best way to clean tank

    I think its best to boil the rocks.
  11. K


    After watching part of that video, I was starting to wonder why you were alright with the genetic altering of anything... including fish. But maybe you arent. Some people were saying in the above posts that they thought they were cool and would buy them if they weren't so expensive. This shows...
  12. K


    I don't think it is really a question of needles or no needles. We give all sorts of animals shots with needles and this is not considered cruel. But when you start manipulating something from nature, be it color, shape, temperment, whatever, you are messing with something that was not meant to...
  13. K

    My mini dream tank stockings =)

    The pencil fish at my lfs, only eat rosy reds. Rosy reds are about the size of neons, so I figure the pencil fish will go after them too. I don't know that it is just my guess.
  14. K


    How do you know there is no pain in genetic manipulation? Did it happen to your embryo? These fish can't show us pain so we don't know if they are going through it. Just because they were not alive when it happened doesn't mean they can't feel the effects it had on them. And whose to say these...
  15. K

    Filtration for a 20g

    I personally don't think you can over filter a tank. The more the better!
  16. K

    Tank Mini Cycle!!!

    I have never heard of nitra-zorb but normally these so called "magic cycle chemicals" don't work as they say. Nothing beats the good old fashioned cycle... Well maybe the fishless cycle...
  17. K


    It would be helpful to give us your water params. Now if you are taking some water from one tank to another that won't help to much with a cycle problem. Most bacteria is built up on gravel and ornaments and filters, etc... But I can't give you a true diagnosis without your water parameters.
  18. K


    Hmmm, have you added a new plant or fish to the tank recently? Possible added a rock from the wild? These could have been transported on something like that. Also if you could give us your water parameters it might help.
  19. K

    spotted dwarf puffers

    For one thing, as those puffers get older they will probably kill the other fish in the tank. They get grumpier with age. I am assuming they are dwarf puffers or else they are going to get way to big for that tank. They may have been some sort of worm or parasite that clinged to your puffers.
  20. K

    My mini dream tank stockings =)

    If I'm not mistaken those pencilfish will eat some of your smaller fish like your neons.
  21. K


    For one thing, genetically altered food is different than fish. Fish are animals, have brains and other vital organs, and therefor it is different than altering a plant, which has no brain or heart. Until, we know what this is like for the fish, it should be halted. And I beleive the only way to...
  22. K

    Non filter planted tanks

    I personnally think that in order to pull off a plant filtered tank it would take a virtual forest, and a very large tank with frequent water changes.
  23. K

    Which do you prefer?

    I definetly love the loaches. Weather loaches would be my favorite.
  24. K

    Is my 10 G overstock?

    That 10 gallon will be overstocked. Clown Loaches get huge.